Jarodw45 thank you and yes it is a scopas tang and he is a great fish and does have very nice markings....he's my "steelers" fish lol..
Spanko the spotted fish in the first pic is my harlequin basslet "yawning". some of my equipment are 2 SEIO water pumps, 4X96 watt 50/50 actinics and 250w MH phoneix 14k. AquaC remora skimmer witer prefilter packed with culerpa..Currrently running dual cannister filtration..thinking about going to sump..but might wait till I upgrade tank to 256gal. have about 80lbs of live rock.
Stock list
Scopas tang
harlequin basslet
2 chromis
coral beauty
mixed pair false percs
neon dottyback
2 bangaii cardinals-hiding in xenia forest
lawnmower blenny
purple lobster
cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp(left lol) harlequin has ate the other 3 over past month
queen conch
sand sifting starfish