Updated 65 gal. reef tank


Active Member
Very nice. What is the black and white polka dot fish?
Tell us about your equipment please.


Originally Posted by coralreefer
very nice. what kind of tang is that, it's BEAUTIFUL

That is a Scopas tang (Z. Scopas) I have one and love him. Alot of people overlook them because they are not as colorful as some of the other tangs but they are neat looking fish.
False percula,
I love the tank.
Jarodw45 thank you and yes it is a scopas tang and he is a great fish and does have very nice markings....he's my "steelers" fish lol..
Spanko the spotted fish in the first pic is my harlequin basslet "yawning". some of my equipment are 2 SEIO water pumps, 4X96 watt 50/50 actinics and 250w MH phoneix 14k. AquaC remora skimmer witer prefilter packed with culerpa..Currrently running dual cannister filtration..thinking about going to sump..but might wait till I upgrade tank to 256gal. have about 80lbs of live rock.
Stock list
Scopas tang
harlequin basslet
2 chromis
coral beauty
mixed pair false percs
neon dottyback
2 bangaii cardinals-hiding in xenia forest
lawnmower blenny
purple lobster
cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp(left lol) harlequin has ate the other 3 over past month
queen conch
sand sifting starfish