updated 75


holy crap u have an idol?!?!:eek:
how long have u had that sweet mother? i hear they are impossible to keep thriving
i like ur rabbit fish BTW:yes:


that is one of the best moorish idol's.... i mean the thing is the most aggressive eater and hes with alot of bigg fish and today i found out he even eats flake food


New Member
I kept an idol for about 8 months. Then one day I found him dead along the bottom of the tank. No signs either. It was weird and sad. Moorish idols are very cool fish.


Are these in a 75g?? What is your stocking list, I'm getting a 90g thsi month and just liek to see what others have in similiar sized tanks....thx!!:)



Originally posted by Master 33
Very nice, beautiful fish. Look out...I think I hear sirens though...here come the police.:D

u make jokes, but we are only here to make sure these fish are properly taken care of, so many people see how beautiful these fish are, and dont care about their most basic needs to keep them happy. they just go out and buy one, saying "aw, my tank isnt really THAT small"
well i got news for ya....IT IS!
i even have some concern for Carole's anthias. i had recently been thinking about buying one of these cool things, but many of my research sites have told me that they need large tanks, that they do best in 125 gallons......hers are in 75


(Zanclus canescens)
Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size: 125 gallons
Care Level: Expert Only
Tank Conditions: 78-80°F; sg 1.021-1.023; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Temperament: Peaceful
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 7"
Reef Compatible: With Caution
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Hawaii, Tahiti
Family: Zanclidae
The Moorish Idol is also commonly known in Hawaii as "Kihikihi" which means "curves," "corners," or "zigzags," and refers to its shape and color pattern. It is the only member of the family Zanclidae, and a very close relative of the Tangs or Surgeonfish. One of the most widespread fish, it can be found throughout the Indian Ocean, Red Sea, and all of the tropical Pacific. Wild specimens can attain a length of 7 inches, but 4 inches is more likely in the aquarium.
The Moorish Idol tends to be very peaceful. Due to its size, schooling nature, and need for swimming space, it requires a large aquarium of at least 125 gallons. As its beauty is most evident while swimming, giving it adequate room is well rewarded. It is compatible with most fish and larger invertebrates, but should not be kept with any polyps or corals, which it will eat. Small invertebrates may be threatened as well.
The Moorish Idol is a very difficult fish to feed. Live rock with large amounts of algae and sponges on which it can feed will help it acclimate. Then offer a varied diet of finely chopped meaty items, mysid shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, Spirulina, and algae. It should be fed several times a day.
Perhaps the most graceful of all marine fish, for many hobbyists, it is also one of the most difficult fish to keep because it is so difficult to feed. For all but the most expert hobbyist, it is better admired in the ocean or in a public aquarium rather than in a home tank.



Originally posted by Master 33
Very nice, beautiful fish. Look out...I think I hear sirens though...here come the police.:D

i kno the "tang police" are trying to talk about what size tank and how many tangs in one tank but i dont really think thats the right thing to say because in all my tanks i have had over three tangs and no one fights.... i had the naso pacific blue and sailfin but the sailfin got to big so shes in the 125 and the pacific blue died



Originally posted by adamz
i kno the "tang police" are trying to talk about what size tank and how many tangs in one tank but i dont really think thats the right thing to say because in all my tanks i have had over three tangs and no one fights.... i had the naso pacific blue and sailfin but the sailfin got to big so shes in the 125 and the pacific blue died

it's not a matter of fighting, it's a matter of personal and roaming space. what was that? o ya, she got TOO BIG.....and what? she DIED?