Updated (and hopefully last) Fish List.


Active Member
OK, so the stand for my 125 tank is slowly coming together. Frame is done and hubby is buying wood tomorrow to put the panels on. Will start my "Tank Diary" in a few days.

In doing some more research and listening to what all of you are saying I think I've come up with my final tenant list. This will be a FOWLR at first with at least 130 lbs of lr and a 3" sand base. But who can resist the corals, so as money allows I will be adding those once my light has been upgraded. So here is what I have on my list:
Clean Up Crew

3 Cleaner Shrimp
3 Emerald Crabs
1 Orange Linckia Starfish
Nassarius Snails
Cerith Snails (how many will I need for my tank)
(and I believe in this order, very slowly of course)
2 Peacula Clownfish
3 Bangaii Cardinals
2 Orange Spotted Blennies (mated pair)
1 Jawfish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Pink Square Anthias
1 Blue Hippo Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Naso Tang
1 Flame Angel
I know I have three tangs listed, but they are all from different species, so I'm thinking they will be ok. I know I've seen some with a Yellow Tang and a Red Sea Sailfin, which I want, but they are both from the same species, so I'm trying to be good.

Oh, in my Refuge I will also have some hermit crabs and a Brittle Starfish.
Does everything look ok? All opinions welcome, just don't flame me
if I did something wrong. That's why I'm posting BEFORE I start adding anything.
(And all tenants will be in a QT for at least three weeks.)


Active Member
the only two I would be concerned about would be the naso and the flame angel. If you are going reef I would personally leave out the flame. Mine eats xenia's and picks at brains... the naso will be to big in the long run. Maybe a sailfin instead????


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
the only two I would be concerned about would be the naso and the flame angel. If you are going reef I would personally leave out the flame. Mine eats xenia's and picks at brains... the naso will be to big in the long run. Maybe a sailfin instead????
Well, I still might try the Flame as I know some people here have them and they do fine, but he will be the last one I put in anyway, so I may change that as that's a long ways off. I would actually rather have a Red Sea Sailfin than a Naso, but I was worried about the Yellow Tang.
If I go ahead with the Sailfin and not the Naso, is everything else ok, as far as # of fish and the size they will eventually be? I would not be adding anything else, just soft coral down the road.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
yeah....should be fine IMO

OK, this is me just getting way to excited and not being able to wait, BUT what I thought of doing is getting a picure of each fish and cutting it out and taping it to my tank! :hilarious Yes, I need theropy!


Active Member
your list looks good. three cardinal may fight if they are all males. I bought two, and I had to separate them. one last thing. the star should not be added until you tank has been established for at least 8 mo or more. please research them here. ophiura has a lot of info on them and thier life span.
good luck. cant wait for pictures.


Active Member
Thanks for your replies. So how many snails do you think I'm going to need for my tank? I really have no clue. I want enough to keep it clean, but I don't want it covered in snails either. Suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Thanks for your replies. So how many snails do you think I'm going to need for my tank? I really have no clue. I want enough to keep it clean, but I don't want it covered in snails either. Suggestions?
Good question, I have a 135 and am wondering the exact same thing. I was thinking of getting the 55 - 100 gallon reef package ($120) or the In the Mix Reef Package for ($110) both from this site. Once the cycle is complete on my tank.
Anyone have any suggestions? Is it okay to get a clean up crew before buying fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
Good question, I have a 135 and am wondering the exact same thing. I was thinking of getting the 55 - 100 gallon reef package ($120) or the In the Mix Reef Package for ($110) both from this site. Once the cycle is complete on my tank.
Anyone have any suggestions? Is it okay to get a clean up crew before buying fish?
From what I've read is you do want a clean up crew before fish, because while your tank goes through it's cycle you are going to have different algae build up, like brown, and hair, things like that. And the clean up crew will get rid of that. I don't want to buy the "packages" because I'm only using the hermit crabs in my sump, as they will sometimes kill your snails to get to the shells, and i don't want empty shells all over my display tank.