What is it with you IT guys and FireFox-LOL Our IT folks and some of the software developers that I know have to use FireFox (used to be Netscape before). They support a 14,000 Windows based Server/Workstation employee staff that have managed deployments of windows/IE PCs desktops and laptops along with the infrastructure. I guess it's the rebel in you folks -lol I had a Sony BetaMax back when we rebels knew it was the best mag. tape media... I understand the guys working on the Appahe servers and IDS may use it out of convenience but other than that I don't understand...
I find that Firefox just has some features that IE doesn't, and it doesnt crash on me the way that IE does. Tabbed browsing is a huge conveniene to me. Pretty sure that IE7 is going to have it, but for now I'll stick with FF.