Updated photos of 200 Oceanic


Well, things are progressing well. About another 100 #'s of LR to add from old tank. I put a couple of fish in over the past few days. Added a few simple corals.
Skimmer was hooked in a couple of days ago and is doing it's job. MH's look awesome.
Next step is getting the refugium finished. What type of lights do most of you use for your refugiums?


Active Member
its coming along
i just have a stock light strip that came from an old tank. i have calerpa (spell) an ceramic rings in my fuge.


Close up shots aren't very exciting yet because most of my livestock is still in the 125.
fish list?? OH YEAH!! :happyfish
three more female anthias
achilles tang
sailfin tang
tassled filefish
those are what I can think of off the top of my head


It's 7 feet long. The only thing "new" is the pumps for the skimmer and return. Everything else is second hand, I was lucky, everything was in great shape, the tank, skimmer, lights, sump etc. etc. I undoubltedly saved ALOT of money.