Updated Pics...did I screw up?


These are pics of my 55 Gallon soon to be reef tank.
The inhabitants are as follows...
1-Oscellaris Clownfish
1-Black Saddle Clown
1-Royal Gramma
1-Lawnmower Blenny
1-Coral Beauty
1-Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
1-Peppermint Shrimp
1-Cleaner Shrimp
1-Coral Banded Shrimp
1-Porcelain Crab
1-Emerald Crab
1-Brittle Starfish
2-Sea Hares
1-Bubble Tip Anemone
25-Blue Legged Hermits
55Lbs.-Live Rock
25 Lbs.-Base Rock
40 Lbs.-Live Sand
10 Lbs.-Aragonite
Cascade 700 Canister Filter
Skilter Skimmer(works okay and will do until I can get something better)
Coralife 260 Watt PCs (10,000k and actinic 03)
Coralife 58 Watt T-5s (10,000K and actinic 03)
My livestock has changed in the last few weeks. I took the 2 scooter dragonets back to the LFS as they were looking thin. Also, my firefish went carpet surfing when I was putting on my new DIY canopy.
I changed the rock work because of a pic I saw of someone's 60 gallon tank. Once I get some coral in there it will look much better.
The first pic is my old rock work and the others are of my new rock work.
Does it look better or should I have left it alone? Be honest, you won't hurt my feelings!!!



I know what you mean.
It was kindbuds2k 60 gallon pics on another thread that inspired me to change my rock work.
It gives the fish more room to swim and makes the tank look larger.


Active Member
but you know what...things get stale and you need to change things up. just cause i like it better the other way doesnt mean sh*t.


I have to admit I prefer the "before" arrangement of rock also. I think it looks more natural and seems to flow better. Sorry.


By the way, your goby is adorable. I have one like that named "Frogface". They don't look a lot like normal fish do they?


The cyano bacteria is almost gone. It was covering everything in the tank.
I cut down on feeding and got a skimmer and now it has almost completely cleared up.
Just a few spots left.
The tank is only 3 months old, so this outbreak of cyano was totally expected. It is very normal for new systems like mine to go through this. It got a little out of control due to bad feeding practices on my part, even though I do 10% weekly water changes.
Anyway, I've learned my lesson and gained a little experience from it.
That's what it's all about right?


Originally Posted by MARYD
By the way, your goby is adorable. I have one like that named "Frogface". They don't look a lot like normal fish do they?
I really like the looks of these fish too.
The main reason I got him was to sift sand, and believe me he does a great job.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I love the new look. will look really great as soon as your corals start growing

Thanks. I just got some shrooms tonight!!!
I know the new arrangement looks a little odd and maybe a little bare, but you would have to be inside my head to see the bigger picture.
Once I turn this thing into a reef it will blow you away.
I'll post a pic of my new shrooms tomorrow(like ya'll haven't seen enough pics of these already but I am proud as they are my first).