Updated Pics of Tank (7-11-05)


Active Member
Here are new pics of the tank. Sorry about the quality. My camera only has 3.2 megapixels, my glass was sorta dirty, and the metal halide lights don't help at all when taking pics lol :)



Active Member
Aww, not many comments on my tank :( I'll try to borrow my girlfriend's camera and retake the pics... she has more megapixels.


Active Member
Beatiful tank mudplayerx!
How long has it been setup? Now if I can get mine lookin half as good as yours I'll be lucky.


Active Member
Your avatar is weird. Your tank is awesome. LOL what is that orange looking coral? looks like a sponge? And i read in another thread that you were worried about that flower pot coral you got, hows it going?


Active Member
Thanks guys :)
JayC: the tank has been running about 8 months now. I just added about 3 corals.
F1shMan: The orange thing is some sort of sponge. Unfortunately it doesn't look like any other sponge on any of the ID threads. The flowerpot coral is in the 10th pic and seems to be doing great right now. I hope it stays that way :(
Puffer: hehe, I dunno how these other guys take such lovely pics :p Gimme a link to your pics, I would love to see them.


Active Member
The green plant thing in the middle is a sprig of fern caulerpa that I got from the lfs for free. Hopefully it will grow as well as my grape caulerpa did. I actually had to remove my grape caulerpa because it grew too fast..... I weighed what I threw out... 15 pounds of grape caulerpa!!!
I don't really have any filtration per say. I do have a limewood airstone driven DIY skimmer. I also have two hang on the back emperor 330 power filters but there is no filter media in them. I replaced the filter media with some pieces of live rock and aragonite sand in some nylon stockings.
Thanks for the comments everyone! Believe me, they really do make me feel good :)


Active Member
Wow, I was just about to ask if you had new pics of your tank the other day...weird. Looks awesome!! Its nice to see a tank based on a reef and not fish. Where do you drip your kalk? I'm starting to look into dosing machines and what would look best as a HOB.


mud, I thought caulerpa could overtake a tank and that's why many people kept them inside a fuge.
Do you use kalk? What supplements to you add to your tank?


Active Member
Hehe. Its a small world airforceb2! I have a doser coming in the mail for the kalk. It is pretty basic, but it was dirt cheap compared to the others. Here is the thread on the doser I ordered: Dosing Kalkwasser I am going to hook it up to a timer to run only 1 hour a day. I plan on having the doser and resevoir under the tank with a tube running up the back of the tank into the hob filter.
Right now I am dosing very primitively. I put a coatrack next to my tank, hang a gallon jug of kalkwasser mix on it and hang a hospital IV down into the tank and drip it LOL.
Grape caulerpa is ok to grow in the tank if you don't mind constantly pruning it. I didn't mind the pruning, but I did mind the cyano that had the tendency to grow on the root structures. :(
The only supplement I add to my tank is kalk and the very occasional alkalinity buffer.


Active Member
Cool beans, might look into that once I'm ready for the corals. If I remember right, your fuge is just to the right of your tank. How is that little guy doin?