Updated pics!


alianated, I know your new wife is beautiful, but where are your fish pics? I'll keep checking your site for updates. Thanks for the compliment!


My tank site is being put together as we speak, I have my corals finished, but need to finish my inverts, and fish.
By my estimate, it will be completed tomorrow evening. (I have GOT to sleep tonite)
But its coming.. although at this point (For speed purposes)there is no flash used in the site creation. Although I have a few ideas in mind to animate and navigate the gallery up. hehe
Thanks for the compliment too btw...


Very nice. I love it. Mushrooms are my favorite, I have 2 small pieces and want more. Keep up the geat work. Tell us what inhabitants include.


your tank looks great, I see that you have some type of jawfish and dwarf angel (pygmy or flameback). what are the fish you have in there.


OK, here is my critter list:
2 Green Chromis
1 Pygmy Angel
1 Purple Pseudo
1 Neon Goby
1 Barber Post Goby (Stonogobiops Xanthorhinica)

1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
16 mixed Hermits
4 mixed Snails
Salisbury A D,
I'll tell you my secret. $$$. It's as simple as that. I'm using all the same equipment, except for the added PC's, as my first attempt 2 years ago. That first tank was a constant battle over hair algae and dying fish. I was so frustrated with it, I tore it down and kept fat goldfish for 2 years. I decided to try it again and having the money to buy everything I needed simplified the task. I could run to the store and buy chemicals, food, RO water, cleaner shrimp and meds when I needed them. It's amazing how much of a difference having to wait 3 days for your paycheck to get water or meds can make. It's amazing what I was willing to sacrifice to make sure this tank was perfect (in my eyes). I hope this doesn't scare off newbies since I am still technically a newbie. My advice, keep your tank fish only until you can afford to buy all your LR and equipment at once. Also, change a little water every week.
Thanks everybody for the compliments! All of you have helped me stock my tank properly and led me to some great books. Read, read, read!! I'm proud of what I have accomplished and it makes me feel great to see that other people enjoy my tank as well. :D
PS My tank is 10x's brighter than the pics show. I guess I need a new digital cam, although I like the blue effect.
[ August 22, 2001: Message edited by: rblehm ]