Updated Pics


Just thought I'd show you guys my updated web pages. I think they have turned out pretty well.
<a href="http://www.afcmltd.co.uk/Marine/index.htm" target="_blank">My Web</a>


Thanks for that I took ages getting this web together. Guess you could say I am just pretty darn proud that I have managed to get things up and running despite beleiving for many years that it was just too hard. Guess your tank is really what you put into it..


You do know what "The Thing" is don't you.....Bristleworm... ;) didn't know wether or not you knew.

nm reef

Active Member
Sweet....always a peasure to view a members system...especially one as clean and well maintained as that!!! :cool:


Thats a great tank!! And great job on your web site. You've made it reallt easy to see what you have. I wish mine looked so nice!!


Thanks for all the nice words guys it's nice to know people think I am doing a good job.
10K yes I do know "the thing" is a bristle worm, I posted that page when I first started my tank and saw that critter slithering about.
As for my lighting I have 10000k Ocean sun, a 25W Marine glo & a 25W Day Glo flourecents all 30" strips. I'm not sure what the kelvins are for the 2 25watters but they seem to be doing the job for now. I intend to up the day glo to another 10000K ocean sun this weekend. I don't really have the space for anymore than that at the moment. But as I am not planning on going to hard corals for a long time yet but when I do decide to go that direction it will be a full tank upgrade I think.