Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail

bob skippy

New Member
Well I havnt got anything yet..LOL They are hard to come by. Ill be happy if just one comes in. My LFS has two on order. Im getting one for sure. All I have ever been told is that water quality tends to be a problem in most cases, and getting them to eat has been mentioned too. I have had good luck with my other rays so I'm gonna give a bluespot a try and hopefully things work out.


Active Member
IMO thats a bad choice as they are unliek any other ray and they should be left int he ocean.. also what size tank do you have? what tankmates? etc. etc? that you are going to put two in,, also you mention other rays ? what kind do you have ? can we see some setup pictures as well as your rays?? everyone loves pictures of agg. tanks!

bob skippy

New Member
All of my guys are small and will be going in a 1000-1500 gallon by end/first of year so I am in no way worried about size at this point. I have enough rock for the sharks to dig around and be comfortable and the rest is just sand. And the snapper is going to another tank.


Active Member
Bob Skippy All of my guys are small and will be going in a 1000-1500 gallon by end/first of year so I am in no way worried about size at this point. I have enough rock for the sharks to dig around and be comfortable and the rest is just sand. And the snapper is going to another tank.
evan if you have AMAZING filtration which iw ould like ot hear about and also evan if they are all PUPS your still WAY overstocked...
i have also heard 10000 times how animals are going to bigger tanks that never make it there...
i just hope you do the right thing and get rid of them before its a war in your tank