Updated pictures


Active Member
We had some AC work done on the house last week. The main AC unit (heaterfanwhat ever you want to call it) was located in the closet next to the closet my tank is in. Why they put it on the bottom floor of a 3 level house I don't know. We had everything replaced and moved the main unit up in the attic above the 3rd floor. This opened up a 4x4x9 foot closet for me right next to the tank room. I also removed the wood paneling that was on the tank wall.
Everything's a little crude right now, I still have some finish work to do. I also plan to build some shelf for more fun stuff.
here's a shot of the tank and hallway where the two closets are


Active Member
As you can see from the first picture I added a fan sucking air into the tank room. This is the exhaust fan located in the closet next door sucking air out. Its really helped keep the house cooler because of the lower humidity. I still have finish work to do.


Active Member
Just a few items I've managed to move out of the tank room. I should explain the 20" fan. If you take a look at the first pic you can see the return for the old AC unit. That's where my chiller is located. It gets pretty hot in there so I need the fan to move air in and out.


Active Member
I sure hope you aren't looking for tank pictures:D My tank looks like crap. I have one coral RTN per day on an average. I'm about ready to turn it into a guppy tank:D


Active Member
Everything looks very nice, especially now that you've taken the wood paneling down!
I have a few questions though:
How high is the tank's stand?
Does much tank room noise escape through the opening for the 20" fan (or the closet door for that matter)?
Does the inflow fan/exhaust fan combo work well for keeping the tank room ventilated?


Active Member

Originally posted by RobChuck
Everything looks very nice, especially now that you've taken the wood paneling down!

I'm a big fan of wood paneling but it just didn't look good there. We left it on the far end of the family room where the fire place is
Originally posted by RobChuck
How high is the tank's stand?

The stand is 27" tall. If you look at the first picture you'll see a stair case going up above the tank roomcloset. That means the closet ceiling runs up with the stair case. It was make the tank shorter (already 22") or the stand shorter. I went with both, kind of.
Originally posted by RobChuck

Does much tank room noise escape through the opening for the 20" fan (or the closet door for that matter)?

Naw, that intake fan probably makes the most noise. The 20" fan isn't heard at all. I used to have to keep the door open to the tank roomcloset because I didn't have the intake or exhaust fan hooked up. The water crashing into the sump made more noise then the fans do. Now I'm thinking the reason for my bad luck with corals is due to leaving the door open, which lets in my two littlle rug rats who probably dumped their juice and every other thing I can think of into the tanksumpfuge.
Originally posted by RobChuck

Does the inflow fan/exhaust fan combo work well for keeping the tank room ventilated?

very well, the humidity is down in the house so that lets my AC work better. My chiller runs about 1-2 hrs more then it did with the door open.


Originally posted by golfish
Now I'm thinking the reason for my bad luck with corals is due to leaving the door open, which lets in my two littlle rug rats who probably dumped their juice and every other thing I can think of into the tanksumpfuge.
HAHAHA yep ,i keep my tank locked up tight.i've already been though the juice thing more than once.it's pretty bad when you come home and your water is purple and you know it's not a coraline bloom

Set up looks really good!


Active Member
How are the bleached corals doing that you meantioned on the other forum? I had a few corals do the same thing while I was away, although they're finally regaining their color after three weeks once I got the temperature down from 86.


Active Member
Good news there...no more bleaching problems. At the rate I'm going I should have no corals left by the time I get back from Yellowstone. On an average I get one coral a day that RTN's...
Don't ask, don't suggest....its way beyond anything we know.
I can't put em in another tank because I'm affraid it will harm that tank. For now I just have to wait it out. Its not like I had anything in there that couldn't be replaced.


Active Member
Looking good Mark!!! I love the in wall setup!!! Is that a 120 AGA reefready? Is this all part of the setup that you have been working on for a while or is this a new system? I felt like the tank you had posted a while back wasn't an in-wall setup? Very nice!!!! Take care!

nm reef

Active Member
I also like the clean in wall design...and I'd bet in time it will be full of healthy coral. I like the idea of exhausting the humidity and really need to do something in my fish room to let moist air escape.


Active Member

Originally posted by attml
Is that a 120 AGA reefready?

Its a Lee Mar tank, the front panel is Starphire glass. The tank is 48" long x 22" tall x 26" widedeep= 120 gals
Originally posted by attml

Is this all part of the setup that you have been working on for a while or is this a new system?

Same system I've had up since Jan.
The in wall looks good but its really a pain to work on. If I did it again I'd make doors in the front above the tank so I can have a better look at things..


Active Member
Nice setup Golfish! I plan on having a inwall setup some day..hopefully one like Steveweast with a walk around balcony to work on the tank. Sorry about your corals...real bummer!