Updated Pictures


Active Member
this is my 150 gal. please let me know what you think. its been up and running since nov. an upgrade from a 55 gal.



Active Member
I like the back covered in coriline algea. its getting there. my 55 gal back was pink and green with algea
Thank you. I need to do some rock work so i can fit more corals.


Active Member
You can send all those frags to me!

Edit: Did you have your stand/canopy made. It's very nice and doesn't look like it was manufactured.


Active Member
The stand came with the tank, but i bought the canopy from a cabinet maker on e@#$. it came unfinished, and in pieces. I had to put it together and stain it.


Active Member
thanks everyone. I am adding 4 36 inch t5s to my canopy. I dont think its bright enough. I may switch out my mh for all t5's


Great looking big tank, I have tank envy
How does your Saddle Puffer do with the coral? I had one but had to give it to my daughter because it thought my clam was dinner