(*** UPDATED) Strange behavior from Scarlet Hermits


i have had 4 scarlet hermits for the last 5 weeks, and they roam all over the tank, and pretty much keep to themselves. Sunday, I added a single mushroom coral on the left hand side of my tank. within about 12 hrs, ALL of the scartlet hermits have congragated on the farthest right live rock- they are all huddling together. i thought this was really strange behavior, so just to see what would happen, i moved them all over the tank again, and within 1/2 hr, they ALL came back to the same place to form their 'huddle'. They aren't attacking each other or anything-- this is really weird. Any ideas?
[ December 21, 2001: Message edited by: Javajoe ]


I was wondering if that could be it, but they seem to be just sitting there. i waited till nighttime last night, and they are just huddling together, almost like they are protecting each other. i DID have 5 scarlets, and last week my one blue leg hermit crab killed one and took his shell- could they be hiding from him- and proteting each other?
I will watch them over the next few days-- i imagine if it IS something dead (nothing that i can see- could be just tiny dead things?) they will move on once it is gone....
thanks for the suggestion-- i'll look closer when i go home for lunch....
Someone once told me that Shrooms give off a mild toxin when bothered, if yours is new that might be a bother to the crabs if in fact they do have a toxin?


yeah- i did read that they release a mild toxin to protect themselves-- and it does appear that they are all trying to get as far away as possible-- maybe i'll move the shroom to that side of the tank to see what happens.... (fun with nature!- i drove my parents nuts, they got scared eveytime they heard me from the next room saying to my brother... "lets see what happens when...")


My hermit crabs huddle all the time. usually right as the daylights turn off and just the actinics are left. It's like they getting their game plan squared away for solid night of scavengering. just my thoughts.


Well... ben busy, so at lunch today, i moved the shroom to the rock that all the crabs are haning out on. Was only there for a half hour after i moved it, and no movement by the crabs yet. I will check after work, and post the results later tonight.... i am starting to think that they just found a spot they like to hang out in... :)


Active Member
Both cases are true, The mushroom may be iritating the crabs and they will prolly acclimate in time, they will also huddle at night.]


Moved the shroom right near the crabs, they could care less. they are still hangind out all huddled together. they DO go out at night to forage- but by morning they are all hanging out on the same rock. it's just really weird, cuase before the shroom, they freely roamed the tank at night, and during the day would be all different places sleeping. but since the shroom they have become very friendly and hang out in that one spot.
Things like this drive me nuts-- an inquisitive mind can be frustrating! (I MUST KNOW WHY :D )
[ December 21, 2001: Message edited by: Javajoe ]

kris walker

Active Member
Maybe they are huddling for protection as you say. I aquired 13 new snails last week, and one unidentified agressive hermit. The hermit killed one of the snails 4 days ago. 2 days ago all the new snails went into hiding during the night and morning. Most of them wedge under one particular rock or half bury themselves against the nearby glass. It seems as if they know there is a dangerous crab in the area, and they are taking precautions now to protect themselves.
I plan on removing the crab asap.