Updated Tank **LOTS of PICS**


I like it, I am a new owner of a 55 gallon. Only have one purple tang 3lr and reef sand. Put up one of those store bought fake coral head so he has somewhere to hide. I hope to get mine as good as yours in the future.

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by nickadam
So reef diver with any paint program it should work. For instance i go onto paint, view picture, press select all, then press shift and it should automatically resize it for me. Becaue i have been having problems resizing my pictures. THose pics got a little blurry after resizing them the way I did.
Sorta, it wont resize it for you, it will just proportion it correctly, hmm, im not sure if it works in paint. Lemme get backto ya when I check. Im a computer nerd :)

reef diver

Active Member
Whoops sorry, i deleted paint so I cannot check, but I belive it does work, once again, just hold shift, and grab one of the corner resizers, and your good

reef diver

Active Member
Originally Posted by watertite
I like it, I am a new owner of a 55 gallon. Only have one purple tang 3lr and reef sand. Put up one of those store bought fake coral head so he has somewhere to hide. I hope to get mine as good as yours in the future.

Yikes, i dont mean to call the tang police, but a 55 is too small for a purple tang.
Unless its alone


Thanks watertite for the comments and Some advice to you would be to be paitent and dont rush to make your tank look good. Gradually build your tank up. Fbm if your talking about the brain its called a manicina areolota brain and i had gotten it from the keys the last time I went. Lolly i had gotten my feather duster from my work. Hes doing awsome too. I havent yet pourchased anything off of SWF.


BAR Iv'e only got about 60-70lbs of live rock in my tanknow. IM going to be bringing home more as sooon as i get back to work. Ill post some more pics with the new addition of rock.Oh and Reef diver it's not a BTA its a condolactis and it seems to be acting wierd or turning into a BTA. Does anybody know why my anemone is shaping the way he is. :notsure: :notsure: