Upgrade project: 20--->65 mega flow


Active Member
Hey guys,
as many of you know, i've had a pretty nice 20 g nano reef for a couple of years now. I'm now upgrading to a 65 reef ready. I had a fluval 304 on my 20, the 65 will have a model 2 mega flow by all glass. I'm so excited...I'm excited about doing SPS and clams now as well..I'm not sold on any particular lighting setup yet, but i'm going mh's, and right nwo i'm favoring the sunpod 2x150. If anyone has any other lighting suggestions for around the ballpark of 400$, give me advice in this thread. I'm just looking for input and ideas on my new setup. I'm getting a used nautilus skimmer from a friend, its pretty nice. I'll start off by showing you guys some pics of the 20g soon to be taken down..


Active Member
well i got zero replies...But i guess i'll keep posting...Just set up the 65 this weekend...Camera died on me so here are some cell phone pics. Fanker is holding my corals for me right nwo until i get the new lights
tank...it was still a little bit cloudy. Only get the LR set up on one side so far...

and a bad pic of the sump...skimmer is a nautilus and it'll be set up when i get more tubing


Active Member
i think it is going to be awesome!
althought tht hippo may do ok in the 65 for awhile it isnt reccomnded but im sure you know
here s a questiion 4 you
are you goin gto have a cycle?
and the last question is when r there going to be more pics

when it cleaers a litle more.
what are and do you you have in mind for fish


Active Member
Well i work at a pet store so i just took all the rock and water form my sytem at home and the systems at work. So I'm not really gonna have too much fo a cycle...I'm gonna wait to add the rest of the corals until my halides come in...got 2x150 w sunpods. I hope they're awesome. Right now im just thinking a fully mixed reef with lots of SPS etc. As far as fish i'll just grab new things i like when i see them...But for right now all i know is that i'm definielty gonna have a regal angel. I'll keep the blue tang in there for probably another 8 months-1 year, and i have a pair of true percs, two yellow watchmans, a green clown goby, and lawnmower blenny. Maybe i'll do a helfrichi firefish too ;)
I'll have the rest of the rock in there thurs, and hopefully the lights by tues. Then the pics will be rollin in ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Well i work at a pet store so i just took all the rock and water form my sytem at home and the systems at work. So I'm not really gonna have too much fo a cycle...I'm gonna wait to add the rest of the corals until my halides come in...got 2x150 w sunpods. I hope they're awesome. Right now im just thinking a fully mixed reef with lots of SPS etc. As far as fish i'll just grab new things i like when i see them...But for right now all i know is that i'm definielty gonna have a regal angel. I'll keep the blue tang in there for probably another 8 months-1 year, and i have a pair of true percs, two yellow watchmans, a green clown goby, and lawnmower blenny. Maybe i'll do a helfrichi firefish too ;)
I'll have the rest of the rock in there thurs, and hopefully the lights by tues. Then the pics will be rollin in ;)
dont regal angles need biger tanks?
they are a beautiful fish though
i think tht if you keep tht hippo for tht long then wait for you to get rid of the hippo b4 you get tht regal.. IMO the tang should have the most space right now since it is in such a small system


Active Member
i might just swap them out, thats a descent idea. I have a huge 300 long at work that he's gonna go inot someday ;)


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finally went down to the whoelsalers today and got more stuff for my tank! I was there at 5 A.M. so i got pirst pic! WIll post pics tomorrow hopefully


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Regal angel

Yuma ricordea

5" acro

another large acro

third one...about 6"

and a small frag w/ blue tips



Active Member
sorry about the pics....they were taken with a cell phone...still havent found my camera ;(
couple more...
8" maxima




Active Member
in my 20 long i had all kidns of LPS, frogspawn, blastos, hammers, torch, all kinds of shrooms and leathers, some BTA's and pretty much everything...i even had clams under them for about a year

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by zanoshanox
in my 20 long i had all kidns of LPS, frogspawn, blastos, hammers, torch, all kinds of shrooms and leathers, some BTA's and pretty much everything...i even had clams under them for about a year
correct me if im wrong..but u had BTAs under pc lighting?? how well did this work? i have a 29 that im planing on throwing 130watts pc onto...


Active Member
It works for some, not for others. I had them at first at the very top, but they moved around and split and i think i had around 6 0r 7. Just from two bta's splitting. It works for some as stated, and not so well for others. I wouldn't reccomend trying any other kinds besides BTAs though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Newest addition....ID plz?

sea snake?
IMO i wouldnt of bought it unless you know what it is.. lol
it is cool though


Active Member
well we've had plenty of them before but only small ones...i don't think they get bigger...at least i hope not? As long as they're reef safe i think we're okay...