Upgrade recommendations


Hello all....
I am upgrading to a 118 glass reef tank, (acrylic an option here) bottom drilled with sump/fuge. Tank dimensions are 36 x 24 x 31...I may opt for the 95g which is 25" in height.
I understand the lighting required not only for volume but for depth. MH seems to be the obvious choice but am concerned about the heat generated by MHs. I do not wish to get into chillers just because of lighting.
I will be making a cabinet and canopy. The canopy can be made extra high.
Two questions: Is T5 lighting a good option in this situation? If so, what brand?
Second, what ever lighting I choose, are retrofit kits the only option for the canopy or are there brands that make fixtures to go under the canopy..
My next issue is the sump pump...
What size to get?...are there advantages to in-line over submersible or vice versa?
And finally the protein skimmer...In sump? or standalone outside of sump?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


The general rule is to go as big as your budget can afford. Personally, I would go with the 118. MH would be great for this tank, and heat shouldn't be too much of an issue as long as you have a slightly open top on the canopy and maybe 2 fans on either side. Icecap makes good canopy fans specifically for this purpose, I believe. I don't think you can put a fixture inside of a canopy so retrofitting would probably be the only choice. This would be cheaper anyway. I don't really know a lot about plumbing so I will leave that to another poster. Finally, I would get an in-sump skimmer. Just make sure that the skimmer is big enough for the tank. If the tank is 118g then try to get one that is rated for 150-200g. Hope this helps!


thanks....the bigger the better it seems...just had some concerns with mh...can retrofits be fitted over a glass for safety?


Ok,,,its been a while...I went with the 118g....36x24x31....Decided on a MH/pc lighting retrofit with lunar lights...
There will be a sump as well. What I need to decide now is protein skimmer and pump.
Any thoughts on skimmers, in sump or out? Brand?
And any opinions on pump? Brand? in sump or external?
Thanks again in advance...


If you look into sealife systems, it is a wet/dry...that can be made into fuge, and they come with a GREAT protein skimmer
Goodle sealifesystems proseries....I LOVE MINE
you will have to buy a return pump....and it will tell you what size you need


Active Member
msx extreme skimmer with bubble plate a cheap knock off of a bubble king but 1/5 of the price for a skimmer that perform as well.


Originally Posted by pchromis
good info, thanks...
As for the return pump, arent their considerations like gph and head?
Yeah, but with the sealife, they tell you exactly what you need....For example...I have a 225g...I knew nothing about this....they recommended a 18mag....got it...it works great
There are a lot of DIY's out there,....I am not one