Upgraded to 29. Starting reef.

Yesterday I upgraded my 12 gallon FOWLR to a 29 gallon. I have 25+ pounds of live rock and another 8 of base rock. The only livestock in the tank is my black percula clownfish, a scarlet hermit crab, and 8 turbo snails from the 12 gallon. This next week I want to start adding the other fish. Corals will be added in March after spring break.
As far as equipment goes, I have the aquaclear 20 and modified aquaclear 30 fuge from the old tank as well as an aquaclear 50 and a Red Sea Berlin Airlift internal skimmer rated for a 60 gallon tank. I have, I believe, 40 watt power compact bulbs. One white and one should be blue. LFS has to order it for me.
I know I want to add a firefish. I also read about people putting in flame angels. Can I have an angel in a 29? Some sites say they need 70 gallons.
Any suggestions on fish? They must be reef safe and relatively easy to care for. Preferably colorful too. I like variety. The man at the LFS suggested gobies and blennys. I love flame angels and would like to have one in the tank if I can.
I *might* set up the old tank as a sump on this one. I'll have to read more on how to set one up and figure out how much it'll cost me. But it would be nice to get the ugly equipment out of the display tank.
So I added 3 firefish a week ago because my LFS said they do better in groups. I came home yesterday to find one nearly dead fish who had obviously been attacked. One was happily swimming about with my clownfish and the third is MIA. I've searched under every rock and all around the tank on the floor in case he jumped. He is nowhere to be found.
Now I'm left with my original black percula clown and one mean firefish. I am setting up a refugium this week so I can have a mandarin down the road. I won't get him until at least Christmas. I want more life to my tank than just the 2 fish. I'll be adding corals in a month. I was thinking about getting a yellow clown goby or a royal gramma as well. Would these two get along with the firefish? They don't look like him so he should kill them, right? Also, would they compete with the mandarin for pods? I was going to get a six line wrasse but I know they'll compete with the mandarin.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by nikkifro8994 http:///t/397105/upgraded-to-29-starting-reef#post_3538392
Yesterday I upgraded my 12 gallon FOWLR to a 29 gallon. I have 25+ pounds of live rock and another 8 of base rock. The only livestock in the tank is my black percula clownfish, a scarlet hermit crab, and 8 turbo snails from the 12 gallon. This next week I want to start adding the other fish. Corals will be added in March after spring break.
As far as equipment goes, I have the aquaclear 20 and modified aquaclear 30 fuge from the old tank as well as an aquaclear 50 and a Red Sea Berlin Airlift internal skimmer rated for a 60 gallon tank. I have, I believe, 40 watt power compact bulbs. One white and one should be blue. LFS has to order it for me.
I know I want to add a firefish. I also read about people putting in flame angels. Can I have an angel in a 29? Some sites say they need 70 gallons.
Any suggestions on fish? They must be reef safe and relatively easy to care for. Preferably colorful too. I like variety. The man at the LFS suggested gobies and blennys. I love flame angels and would like to have one in the tank if I can.
I *might* set up the old tank as a sump on this one. I'll have to read more on how to set one up and figure out how much it'll cost me. But it would be nice to get the ugly equipment out of the display tank.


Dwarf angels like to swim in and out of rocks, so make lots of caves. My book says they need a minimum of 30g ... so I think the 29g should be just fine. They don't require a lot of swimming room like a tang does, they only reach about 3.5 inches when mature, and they a are very active little beautiful fish. I think it's a good choice.

A sump is pretty easy to do, the DIY section folks will be glad to help you every step of the way...but I have to tell you...get your tank drilled if you want to go with a sump system...the HOB overflows are nothing but a headache.
I've got my heart set on that mandarin. Won't a flame angel compete for food? I don want to get a fish that isn't compatible with the mandarin.


Well-Known Member
Fire fish are aggressive w each other. Only a male female pair usually works. Second, an as Angel and mandy eat totally diff things.
Which of these would work best?
Stock 1:
1 black percula clownfish
1 firefish
1 mandarin dragonet
1 yellow clown goby
1 coral beauty
Stock 2:
1 black percula clownfish
1 firefish
1 mandarin dragonet
1 yellow clown goby
1 flame angel
Stock 3:
1 black percula clownfish
1 firefish
1 mandarin dragonet
1 yellow clown goby
1 yellow head jawfish
Stock 4:
1 black percula clownfish
1 firefish
1 mandarin dragonet
1 yellow clown goby
1 dottyback
Stock 5:
1 black percula clownfish
1 firefish
1 mandarin dragonet
3 blue/green chromis
I'm gonna hold off in the sump for a bit. I'm planning on getting a 55 gallon so I'll use the 29 as the sump for that. I know, already planning the next upgrade. I'm am addict. My old 10 gallon is going to be a refugium so I can have a mandarin in December. I'll set it up this week.
As for stock, I'd rather have 1, 2, or 4. I really want an angel but the mandarin is more important to me. He's my prize fish.
My third firefish disappeared! I searched everywhere in and out of the tank. He's gone. I'll get another one and a yellow clown goby whenever I can get to the LFS. I'll also get the powerhrad, j tubes, LR and chaeto I need to set up the fuge. Hopefully I'll have it set up before spring break and I can add corals when I get back.


Well-Known Member
They hide very well do u watch when u feed the tank? If I didnt know I had it, id never know I had a purple fire in mine lol