upgrading from 20 gal to 60 gal??


New Member
Is there a fast and easy way to do this? I have 20 gal with about 40 lbs of LR, and CC and LS bottom. I have a Goby, Clown, sixline, Brittle star, featherdusters & clean up crew.
What is the best way to cycle and move all inhabitance to 60 gal? The 20 gal has been set up and running for 2+ years.
any suggestions?? :needhelp:


New Member
I have 50 lbs argonite playsand & 30 lbs LS (plus what sand I have in 20 gal). I'm getting tomorrow 20 lbs LR (plus rock from 20). going to do a water change in 20 and adding as much water as possible to 60. Will there be much of a cycle? I don't want to kill anything on my LR I have now, so when should it be added to the 60??
Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
Well can you set up and cycle the new 60gallon first? if so then that is the best way, let it fully cycle then move any LR and sand (although I only recommend the first inch or so of LS from an old tank), If the fish will be okay in the 20 withought a lot of LR then you can leave them in the tank for a few days to be sure the 60 is fully cycled, when you are sure then move the others.


New Member
Thanks Birdy: I got the 60 set up last night with water and salt, added today 50 lbs agonite play sand, 20 lbs argonite reef sand and 20 lbs LS. Now just waiting for the dust to settle. I thought I had rinsed the sand pretty good but when I put it in, a big dust cloud appeared. One thing Ive learnd about saltwalter is that you have to have patience.. :yes:


New Member
I have more questions???? When should a skimmer be added? I read a post that said not to do it till cycle is over, that it would prolong cycle?? any help would be great.. The guy at the LFS said that you could use a scallope (frozen kind) instead of a shrimp to cycle. Is this true?? :notsure: :notsure: