Upgrading from 45g to 100g. NEED ADVICE!!!


Like the title says, I'm upgrading from a 45g to a 100g. I have a V. Lionfish, Goldentail Moray Eel, and a Panther Grouper. Seems like a simple transition but just want to hear any advice, concerns, comments, etc. Just want to be sure I'm not missing anything. Thanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by erifish3
Like the title says, I'm upgrading from a 45g to a 100g. I have a V. Lionfish, Goldentail Moray Eel, and a Panther Grouper. Seems like a simple transition but just want to hear any advice, concerns, comments, etc. Just want to be sure I'm not missing anything. Thanks
I'm just glad you're getting these fish into a bigger tank; they sure need it. IMO, you might want to trade the grouper; even a 100gal isn't nearly big enough for him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
I'm just glad you're getting these fish into a bigger tank; they sure need it. IMO, you might want to trade the grouper; even a 100gal isn't nearly big enough for him.
+1 here, with a Panther my advice is get a bigger tank. Your gonna need it SOON!
I'd mix water, move over some Live rock, little at a time, maybe even do a partial water exchange. Basically put clean water in your old tank and put the bad water in the new tank.
Then buy some damsels for snacks and let them seed the tank for a month or so.

eric b 125

seed the tank: put the damsels in the new tank by themselves for a month or so and by them pooping and doing their thing, it will help build up the bacteria in the tank. once your other fish go in the new tank, the damsels will be snacks.
i think you should go to a 125 if your going to upgrade. this is JMO, but longer tanks allow for more swimming room. im a big fan of 6' long tanks. that still wont be big enough for the grouper though.


I think he may already have the tank. Also there is such a thing as a 100 gallon long that is 6 feet long, he may have this type.


I have the tank already, guy gave me a great deal at $130. As far as the length goes, its a little over 5 feet long. Grouper is about 6 inches long, when, if not already, does he actually outgrow my 100g?


Originally Posted by erifish3
I have the tank already, guy gave me a great deal at $130. As far as the length goes, its a little over 5 feet long. Grouper is about 6 inches long, when, if not already, does he actually outgrow my 100g?
you have a year tops. he"ll be 12 to 18 inches by then...


I'll keep him for a couple more months and then see what I do. So get this, I go to buy some lights for my 100g and the guy ends up giving me his juvenile porcupine puffer, a damsel, (3) turbo snails, and a sand sifting starfish, for free. Any comments on that puffer. He seems to be getting along well with my other fish.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Bad bad bad idea. Your puffer will more than likely start to nip at the fins and spines of your lion and if the puffer is big enough kill it. Take the puffer back and get store credit for it. Take the grouper at the sametime and get a tang or another smaller lion and have a species only tank. Damsel wont last long either.


Damsel went into my 12g nano. Puffer is about 4 inches long compared to my 8-9 inch lion. Think they can learn to peacefully co-exist or is it in the puffer's genes to kill lions?


My advice if you haven't already setup or purchased the 100 gallon, GO BIGGER. I mad the mistake of not going bigger and now I am kicking myself. There is no way I will every be able to get a bigger tank now. The move would be too hard and kill too much. Go bigger or you might regret it.