upgrading from 55 to 120


I just moved my 55 gallon tank out of the way and have a 120 being delivered. Can I transfer my fish, invertebrates and corals in one shot or do I have to start recycling the new tank and wait the several weeks it will take to cycle and then put things in one at a time, need lots of extra eqiptment for second choice and lots of time, Would like to transfer all at once but afraid of killing things, just got the tank looking good and then the fever hit and had to go bigger. second major problem is I had live sand in bottom of tank after several years of bare bottom. Read an ad for GARF gunge and how great it was for a tank. went overboard and ordered twenty lbs,( 100 $ worth) When it arrives it is crushed coral. Added as directed but see no difference. they do say it will take 4-6 weeks. What do i do when I transfer to new tank transfer the grunge with my old sand (sand was only in the tank about 3 months) try to seperate it . Has anyone else tried this garf grunge? Help

sea slug

patience is a virtue in this hobby be patient get your new tank set up, let it cycle then start moving the sand/live rock ect. into the new tank but only then, once you are done fiddling with it, should you move the fish into their new (roomier) home.


thanks, I was afraid someone would say that. Need to buy new lights, heaters, filters etc to wait for cycle. Has anyone used this garf grunge. Did I get taken??????


When I upgraded to my 200 Gal. from my 72 gallon, I did it in 2 days. I did it like a big water change. I filled my new tank about 2/3 with new saltwater, checked temp/salinity to match old tank. I added a powerhead and then I started adding my live rock and sand from the old tank, I even put some of my old bio balls and sponges in the new tank, there was plenty of good bacteria already on rock etc. The next day I added the old tank water and then the fish, inverts etc. I never lost a thing, in fact everybody is still doing great.
Sorry, I don't know anything about the other stuff you ordered.
Good luck and enjoy your new tank


thanks- I've been told that I could do it your way and I think that's what i'll do Did you leave all your corals and inverts in the old tank while you removed the live roch and sasnd?


Any good ideas on how to get out the sand without clouding up the whole tank. Would a shop vac work if the hoses were all cleaned and a plastic liner put in he tank? What if anything do I have to do to the sand before putting it in the new tank.Any ideas on how to add it to my new tank without causing all the clodiness. Thanks


The coral & fish were very last, and most of the snail/hermits etc. because I was afraid of squishing them when I was aquascaping. Some hitchiked so I didn't worry about them. Easier to catch your fish as well --without the rock. I have a brittle star, he must of hid in one of the rocks good, because I never could find him to move, but days later he was in the new tank, he sneaked in on the rock.
It is best to put down your rock first, then sand, better later for rock stability. When I did the sand, I remember scooping into a small child's bucket, and slowly poured it in my new tank, alittle at a time, I had little dust storm, but settled pretty quickly.
Oh, also I remember before the big fish move I added some of the new tank water in the old tank, then took cup of old water and added to the new tank. Did that for several hours.
I don't think I would try a shopvac, not sure about the saltwater in it.


Thank you soo much. Will be doing the changover this Saturday and Sunday. wish me luck. Your advise was better than I could of gotten any where else. LOVE this message board and if I can ever figure out how to do PM's I'm sure I'll like it even better.