upgrading from a penguin 330 to an emperor 400?


Active Member
well, i've had the 330 for like 4 yrs, its great, but i like the size of the 400 and heard it helps clean better.... this is for my 70 gallon tall
now can i just start using it right away? or do i have to use them both untill the new one gets full of bacteria or whatever its suppose to do?
i do have 70 lbs of LR


Active Member
You might upset your biological filteration and cause a spike, it depends on how much sand and LR you you have, if you have enough then it probably won't cause a problem, but the possibility is there.


The pads are different sizes but what you could do is put in the 400 pads in and put the 330 pads behind these. They will just sit in there but they will work.


Active Member
cool, i'll put the pads in there with the new pads, thanx for the help guys!


Active Member
I would agree that if you have live rock and substrate, and assuming you don't overfeed or overstock, you should be fine just changing it out.
These filters in most tanks are primarily mechanical and chemical filtration, with very little contribution to biological filtration.
Do you still have the wheels?


Active Member
yes i still have the wheels and the entire unit, i plan on using it on my 30 that i'm making