Originally Posted by Koop
i think blue ray is going to win because of all the ps3 gamers out their. Disney and many other companies have signed up with blue ray. Gamers rule!
Gamers are interested in PS3, which is not the same thing as a standalone DVD player. That will be another whole side of the market.
From everything I've read, the BRay produces a better picture, so, with the trend to achieving the perfect picture what it is, my bets are on BRay. Once more movies open up in this format, it will bite the market big time, and take a big chunk of HD's thunder. Saying that, BRay is still only as good as the TV that shows it off, so I'm not sure that anything less than a higher-end, larger wide-screen would do the BRay justice (and therefore warrant getting one). I think we are long way from most people having 40+ size highend HD's, though its coming along that way.