Upgrading my skimmer.


Upgrading my skimmer.
I have a 300 gal reef a 50 gallon sump and a 100 refugium. The 300gal had allot of fish in it and have a large bio load. I want to upgrade my skimmer and I don't know what one to buy. To I decided to ask the experts.
So what does everyone say?


Active Member
For that much water volume and a large bioload, you'll obviously want a very strong skimmer. Some of the larger Euro Reef skimmers (CS12 series) would work nice, but the best bang for your buck would probably be a Beckett-injected skimmer. My Reef Creations, Precision Marine, and Barr Aquatic Systems all make nice Beckett skimmers, and the ratings they give are fairly accurate with actual skimming results.


Active Member
I would take a look at the Geo, H&S, Deltec and Bubble King..The Geo recirculating skimmer might be the best bang for your buck. This will probably be my next skimmer.


I agree with ^^^^^^^^. With that much volume, you might consider Two mdium-large sized skimmers, as opposed to one huge one. You could run one out of your display tank, and the other out of your sump or refugium. I could be wrong, but doing it this way seems like you are skimming two different areas at one time. Think of it as filtering; would you want a big canister filtering the entire tank, or would you want two medium sized ones at both ends?


Active Member

Originally posted by tony detroit
A Top - Fathom won't even come close to those listed above.

Unless your going to use it as a door stop..then it will work even better cause it wont cost as much.