upgrading tank


hello all. I just found a 90g acrylic tank with in-tank over flow, and i found it in the garbage!
my question is this i have a glass 55g reef and now i want to use the acrylic tank as my display tank,and the glass tank as a sump-refugium, but how do i make this transition :help: :needhelp: :notsure: thank you all in advance. I have no clue how to do this


Active Member
I would VERY strongly suggest before you may any further plans, that you fill that tank up and check for any obvious reasons that it was in the garbage. Furthermore, is there crazing evident (What seem like areas of tiny scratches, especially around corners or something)?


there is absolutely nothing wrong with it i filled it with water already, its sitting outside for now as i am taking a coulple light scratches out. Another question i have is in the return overflow on the bottom of the tank there are two holes, one of them is about 1 1/2 the othe is 1/2 inch why are there two of them?


There is a hole already in the other side of the tank for the return pump. The two holes are both in the bottom of the overflow box?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bri23520
apparently no one can help me here off tho reef central!

your pretty much going to get the same replies at --.........copper being one of them.


its possible whoever had the tank be4 u, might have used both holes as drains, one to sump, one to fuge for example...
the hole on the other side is for the return
just my 2 cents