upgrading tanks what do I do with my fish while I cycle the new one


New Member
The new tank is gona go where the old tank is so I have to empty it to move it out of the way...


Active Member
What are you doing with the old tank? When I upgraded the 180 went where the 55 was, so I just moved the 55 and everything in it to the other side of the room until I was ready to transfer.


buy some 7 dollar garbage cans at home depot and put the water in there while you move the tank


New Member
Should I use RO water or can use tap water last time used Tap and had a small boom but it was under control in about a week???
Thanks for all your help guys....

cayman isl

Had to do the same thing from the old 55 to the new 90. I moved all the rock to the bottom and drained the water into 5 gallon bottles down to about 6 inches. Then me and a neighbor liftet the tank and metal stand and hauled it into the kitchen to it's temporary resting place. Filled it back up and then started up the new tank. Once it was ready I moved stuff over piece by piece.. Here is the new one: