Upgrading to 300g Profecto

p fish

I'm getting ready to upgrade to a 300g Profecto. Does anyone know of any pros and cons of this tank?


Well-Known Member
I have a perfecto 120g and it seems just fine. I bought it used and have it down right now because I'm rebuilding it. The only thing I didn't like was the little amount of silicone used on the side joints so I resealed the whole thing while I had it down. But this one wasn't reef ready. Usually reef ready tanks have a little heavier silicone job on them. Is that the one you are getting is the reef ready with a starfire glass front?


Well-Known Member
LOL no hurtfullness meant... or that ur wasting ur money! Just something that size and with the equipment would, well in my case empty the wallet!!!!
Wish i could get something that size!
Wat are the dimensions? Got any pics?

p fish

Yes I'm getting the reef ready starfire. I just thought there was something negative I needed to know about this Profecto tank that I didn't know. That's why I asked the question. I have two smaller reefs (72 bow/90g) that I'm going to combine into on big reef. Any advise on best options on completing this?


Well-Known Member
well im about to do a tank swap but on a much smaller scale. 10g to a 20L.....i was told to get some dry aragonite sand and buckets. You would need a lot of buckets.
Empty the rock, inverts, fish, coral, and substrate in that order in seperate buckets. Than add the new water. Most of the benefical bacteria is in the media not the water i was told.
So next add everything back into the system!
As u add things like rocks u can take the extra water out of the tank to acclimate everything...u add ur current live sand to the dry btw...

p fish

That's the way I was thinking about doing as well but I'm concerned with causing a cycle of the tank by going from the 72 and 90 to the 300g. Could some tell me if that will cause a cycle. Both the 72 and the 90 are full of rock and sand with corals.


Well-Known Member
I had the same concern and tangs rule (who has a 475gal) said no....he said hes done many transfers and hasnt had a prob. I think the cycle is why they suggested that i use the dry sand instead of more LS... honestly idk from personal expierence yet. As said before though that most of the "cycle" bacteria is contained in the filter media, rock, sand....
If ur in no rush I'll prob be doing my swap tommorow. LOL everythings chillin callin my name so to speak.
I'll let u know how it goes...

p fish

@guyDude. Thanks for all your help. I'm not doing mine until next week after the holiday so I do have time. So it would be nice to hear how yours turn, out so could you keep me posted. Thanks again.


Active Member
Sounds like fun, I"ve never used those tanks, but do make sure, you do your HW. I can attest the how bad a morning can be, when you walk into your living room, and notice that there is a large crack down a cheap tank....