Upgrading to bigger tank


New Member
I have a 20g saltwater tank that has been set up for nearly 3 years now.
I purchased a 40g acrylic tank and with the help of a talented friend, built a strong and beautiful oak stand for it.
My question is, how exactly should I be making this short "move" from one tank to the other?
Here is what is going on so far:
I purchased dry base rock (about 20 lbs. to add to my 20+ lbs. of live rock in the old tank) and plunked some into the old tank about a week ago. My thoughts were that any small amount of bacteria colonization that might occur would help when I add the base rock to the new tank. Right?
I also dug an old power filter out, added a sponge and a pad with carbon and put that on my old tank in addition to the filter with bio wheel that has been there the whole time. Again, my thoughts were that if I can get extra bacteria growing in the filter media, it will boost the new tank.
I used a 17 gallon plastic tote to mix some salt water a few days ago when I was bored

Here are the steps I think I should take. Someone please correct any mistakes, don't be shy!
1. Set up stand with tank, of course. I have some laminate floor underlayment which is a thin, high density foam for under the tank.
2. Rinse the 40 lbs. of dry reef sand and add to tank.
3. Add the pre-mixed water that I have on hand.
Here is where it gets tricky.
4. Arrange base rock and live rock. But how much of it? Should I put most of my rock into the new tank?
5. Add a few cupfulls of the live sand from my old tank. Again - how much?
6. Add water from my old tank - how many gallons can I afford to remove (and then replace with new water) without hurting the inhabitants?
7. Get the heater/filters/powerhead/air pump/old sponge filter running.
8. Add the yellow tail damsel that I already have, plus a couple other damsels?
If I am adding all of this bacteria saturated material to the new tank, how long do I need to wait before I can start introducing my old fish and creatures?
If it helps, here is a list of my current livestock:
2 false percula clowns
1 royal gramma
1 green clown goby
1 yellow tail damsel
1 big brittle star
2 mithrax crabs
1 sally lightfoot crab
6 blue leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
1 left handed hermit
1 big turbo snail
1 astrea snail
2 bumblebee snails
2 peppermint shrimp
Tons of tiny critters (smaller snails, pods, worms etc.)
When and how should I add these guys? Also, what kind of things do you suggest adding next? I was thinking of a banjii cardinal, 6 line wrasse, pearly jawfish maybe? (Not necessarily all 3, of course!)
Thanks, everyone!

keith burn

Active Member
What fun Imo looking good with what you are doing..
If you set up the new tank with 1/2 of the new b/r and 1/2 of the l/r.
Put in egg grate in new frist with just new sand to go over the top of egg crate than b/r & l/r.
And use the new s/w and do w/c on old tank.
Put the old s/w in new tank keep this up intell new tank is 1/2 full.
At the same time mix s/w from new to old and back 1 or 2 gal a day.
This will help too keep the s/w the same with a heater and p/h in new tank.
Now after you get the new tank 1/2 full move all b/r and l/r to new tank and top off with s/w from old tank move filters/skimmers and what not to new and heater and p/h from the new to old.
Now move fish all at one time...
And after the water in old tank is clear pull 1/2 in of that sand off slow and move it to seed new tanks sand.
Now run a lot of water over what sand is in old tank and put it in new tank over time intell sand is at 3/4 in or what you like...
good luck and (have fun)

PS you can take pic and make a thread of it we love a blow by blow of it !!


New Member
Good idea about the egg crate! I hadn't thought about using it before. I think I even have some scraps at my parents' house that I had used on top of a lizard cage when I was a kid.
One question about the water issue - if I move water from the old tank into the new one today until it is half full, all my water from the old tank will be gone! (It's a 20, into a 40)
How long should this whole process be taking? I don't want to be rushing things, but I don't want to drag my feet if I don't have to. Is this a 2-3 day project, a week, a month? I did the first tank "right" with damsel cycling and everything, I am just confused about doing the process over again because I have all this live rock and sand and filter media now which is here to help me and hopefully speed things up.
We will hopefully be bringing in the stand today, as long as my 3 guy helpers can coordinate! I will definitely take pictures. This is going to be so exciting!! Thanks for the info


Active Member
I'm guessing you should beable to do this in a few days to a week and not have a cycle at all. Do like you do a water change. Drain as much as you can replace( about 20-25%) into the new tank and replace you water with your new water in the 20gal. Then start new water for the next day. You can have your tank 1/2 full in a couple of days then start mixing the water to keep both tanks with water matching so you can just move everything over with out having to acclimate.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
I'm guessing you should beable to do this in a few days to a week and not have a cycle at all. Do like you do a water change. Drain as much as you can replace( about 20-25%) into the new tank and replace you water with your new water in the 20gal. Then start new water for the next day. You can have your tank 1/2 full in a couple of days then start mixing the water to keep both tanks with water matching so you can just move everything over with out having to acclimate.

you got it


New Member

This is the tank with some water and the new sand.

Our 16 month old, the little troublemaker (and reason we have to move our tank to a stand stronger than our old wrought-iron one!)


New Member
Here are a couple of our old friends who will be gracing the new tank.

I love my "cheapie fish." These are 2 of my favorites

Mrs. Sally Lightfoot