Upkeep on 55 G



I have been thinking of setting up my old 55 Gallon tank as a reef setup. Still new to this so it will be a bit more of research before I start. Was just wondering once everything is setup what would be the up keep for a 55 gallon SWT? This is considering I am not adding plants/fish. TYIA


Active Member
Weekly or biweekly water changes of 10-30%. You will need to test for and correct ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, alkilinity, calcium, pH, salinity.....and I think I'm forgetting something.


What would you say the cost of this per month would cost?


Well, if you get an RO/DI unit it would cut down in your cost of water changes. Your other expense is the test kit. I wouldn't do it if you think the costs might be a problem........that spells disaster.

nm reef

Active Member
Very tough questions to answer directly...but I would suggest your first purchase should be a book titled The Conscientious Marine Aquarists ...it'll provide a solid foundation of information to get you started. Plus I'd urge you to google search for a article titled "Reefkeeping 101"...another great source of information.
Each system will devlop differently and the associated expenses will vary...but ...in this hobby if expense is a concern you may want to reconsider developing a reef. It is a bit expensive and can quickly consume cash. Sometimes its better to start with a fish only system and as experience and success accumulate then expand into other areas.:thinking:


Thank you all for responding. I am reading the article now. I know it will be awhile before I get the tank, probably 10+ months so I was just wondering how much extra I will need after purchasing everything else, which will be done in the first 10 months. Guess I will research more and try to figure out an estimate. Thanks again.


See the post on the fish forum here about "how much do you have in your system". It really opened my eyes.


Active Member
The first couple months do a 15 to 20% watter change then after that you can go down to around 10%. Then after you have had your tank for a while you can go down to like 5%. Just my 2 cents I have seen ppl do this. But I am sure I am wrong some where lol so correct me if im wrong.



Originally posted by alistair
I've been doing 10% once a month, is this often enough?

I have a 55 FOWLR and here is what I do. About 10% every 2 weeks (5 Gals every 2 weeks).
Only do this if you have a good skimmer. Otherwise do 10 Gal every 2 weeks.
Just my 2 cents.


I dont know what is cost effective for a 55 gal, but the only way i get by is buy using a revers osmosis machine to make my own water instead of buying it.