

Originally Posted by riafekim
If SWF is reading this and I hope they are, I would like the option of placing an order less that $79 and have them charge me for shipping. However they may have reasons for not doing so. I'd be interested in what they are.
I would be disappointed if they deleted this thread as it is not derogatory in anyway. Surely they can take some constructive criticism.
i do hope they are reading this too. i would buy several things if there wasnt a minimum purchase amount but can not afford to spend $79 each time i wanted to buy a new addition for my little 24 gal nano


Active Member
will imo,, i can understand why they charge for a fuel charge... my husband is a plumber..and for him to go to different jobs,, the diseal is outrageous. it takes him about 150 dollars to feel his truck up,,,sometimes that is twice a week...if we didnt charge for fuel charge,,it would be better for him to just stay home with me,,which i would love that,,,but i need the money to buy more fish guy that comes out here once a month to clean my tank,,charges me a fuel charge,, and i am totally fine with it,,,i know how expensive it is in this crazy just have to look on the other side ,,,,being in someone elses shoes...i know when your on a budget it does get frustrating,,but you have to realize why are they putting extra cost on the bill...i am sure they dont want to do that,,,we have been in business since 1995 and we didnt charge for a fuel charge. but time has changed so much,,it costes so much more now to operate,and it does get frustrating ,,and i hate to have to charge people for a fuel charge..ok ,,,i will quit...cause i can go on and on and on....i hope everyone has a great day.....


Active Member
I just wish I could limit myself to $79 everytime I ordered something online!!! seems like everytime I star looking almost all of my orders are for $150 or more. But I guess that is why I put OBSESSED under my name.....


joncat, if i had the cash to put in it i would spend 200-300 real fast, but i wantto take it slow and easy right now since this is my first tank.
and on a side note, one of the lfs here said my tank could not have possibly cycled yet lol, and i watched everything spike out after the 4th day it was up and everything went back down to 0 after 2-3 days of that.
right now my tests are:
sal 1.023
amm 0
ph 7.9-8.0
nitrate 0
hardness 10 drops


Active Member
Originally Posted by riafekim
If SWF is reading this and I hope they are, I would like the option of placing an order less that $79 and have them charge me for shipping. However they may have reasons for not doing so. I'd be interested in what they are.
I would be disappointed if they deleted this thread as it is not derogatory in anyway. Surely they can take some constructive criticism.

next day air shipping would probably cost you about $25 for residential delivery on a regular sized box, plus they would still have to charge the gas fees. you're going to pay the same amount no matter what.


Active Member
I just returned an aquarium controller for an upgrade to the manufacturer. I used a box that my fish came in from this site. I sent it UPS 2nd day delivery and it was $27.00 so overnight would probably be (my guess) $35.00


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
The 9.99 processing fee and 7.99 fuel charge actually comes to 17.99
My bad. Thanks.
Not sure how that number got in my head...Maybe from your post befor mine......Im going to edit that because my intent is not to have people think SWF charges more than they really do for shipping an order......


I just bought 20 lbs. of LS from them for 59.99 and they only charged me the 9.99 surcharge, that's it.... no gas fee.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ginarox
will imo,, i can understand why they charge for a fuel charge... my husband is a plumber..and for him to go to different jobs,, the diseal is outrageous. it takes him about 150 dollars to feel his truck up,,,sometimes that is twice a week...if we didnt charge for fuel charge,,it would be better for him to just stay home with me,,which i would love that,,,but i need the money to buy more fish guy that comes out here once a month to clean my tank,,charges me a fuel charge,, and i am totally fine with it,,,i know how expensive it is in this crazy just have to look on the other side ,,,,being in someone elses shoes...i know when your on a budget it does get frustrating,,but you have to realize why are they putting extra cost on the bill...i am sure they dont want to do that,,,we have been in business since 1995 and we didnt charge for a fuel charge. but time has changed so much,,it costes so much more now to operate,and it does get frustrating ,,and i hate to have to charge people for a fuel charge..ok ,,,i will quit...cause i can go on and on and on....i hope everyone has a great day.....
The difference here is that you're husband, the fish guy, and myself (im an electrician but DONT charge the gas charge) all drive to peoples houses to perform a service. We do spend alot of time and fuel traveling about. But shouldnt be spending that much time driving to and fro to ship things. UPS and so forth pick up deliveries daily. And the last I checked, so does the USPS. So their inventory is shipped to them then picked up for them. So why do they charge a gas surcharge when they should't be paying out for fuel in order to ship? Even if they were driving it to the USPO And they got 10 miles to the gallon in their pickup and they ONLY had 1 package then 8 bucks would get them 26.6666666 miles at 3.00 a gallon. Maybe justifiable for 1 package if thats all they were shipping but I just bet they dont have to drive anywhere and if they do they ship more than one package at a time or not at all.
When the surcharge goes away then I'll buy from them, you betcha!


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
The difference here is that you're husband, the fish guy, and myself (im an electrician but DONT charge the gas charge) all drive to peoples houses to perform a service. We do spend alot of time and fuel traveling about. But shouldnt be spending that much time driving to and fro to ship things. UPS and so forth pick up deliveries daily. And the last I checked, so does the USPS. So their inventory is shipped to them then picked up for them. So why do they charge a gas surcharge when they should't be paying out for fuel in order to ship? Even if they were driving it to the USPO And they got 10 miles to the gallon in their pickup and they ONLY had 1 package then 8 bucks would get them 26.6666666 miles at 3.00 a gallon. Maybe justifiable for 1 package if thats all they were shipping but I just bet they dont have to drive anywhere and if they do they ship more than one package at a time or not at all.
When the surcharge goes away then I'll buy from them, you betcha!

Actually to save money some companies pick up their fish at the airport. This company may be large and not do this, but just to let you know.


It was FEDEX that added the fuel charge not SWF. I have had to have things shipped FEDEX and they charged me a fuel charge on top of the delivery fee.
I have ordered from here four times now because my LFS does not carry the corals or fish that I have wanted. It does however get on my nerves that I have to have exactly $79. My order today was a dollar short so I had to add something else to reach the minimum.
I also like the guarantee because my LFS has none.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
It was FEDEX that added the fuel charge not SWF. I have had to have things shipped FEDEX and they charged me a fuel charge on top of the delivery fee.
OOOOHHHHH! I see. My bad.
Well I cant blame em for passing it on. I never did like fed ex.


Active Member
ups does the same thing. i work for a plumbing wholesaler, and i get fuel surcharges all the time now. some of my competitors are starting to charge it to their customers, i will probably follow.
they are here to stay. as more people find it common place, its an easy way to recover some expenses.


well i think they should just hide it in to some of the items you buy instead of the way they do it, and the minimum order amount makes me to where i am doubtful i will buy anything from them now....until the drop it to a lower price or abolish it completely


I did a little researching today and found two sites that offer free shipping with no extra charges. Here is the catch though you have to order $150 dollars worth of coral on one and 195 on the other.
Overall SWF is still cheaper.
Whatup hope you didn't think the fed ex remark was against you. You have always had good advice.


Active Member
roughly $18.00 me it sure beats $30...maybe my calculator works different than everyone else's...sure the minimum order thing stinks...prolly to make sure they can pay the people that work for them?..Just save and buy the stuff all at once...It seems it would be cheaper then the LFS..or at least for me it is..


I don't know about you all, But my order from here came so well packed and everything was alive, except a couple of hermits ( they ate each other )
It was worth it for the packing, delivery and guarantee! Much cheaper then anyone else online or local!


Active Member
btw, ups and fed ex have been charging fuel surcharges since gas got over $1.50 a gallon. they are here to stay.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Katz
It was FEDEX that added the fuel charge not SWF. I have had to have things shipped FEDEX and they charged me a fuel charge on top of the delivery fee.
I have ordered from here four times now because my LFS does not carry the corals or fish that I have wanted. It does however get on my nerves that I have to have exactly $79. My order today was a dollar short so I had to add something else to reach the minimum.
I also like the guarantee because my LFS has none.

That is another reason why I order from here. I only have one lfs within an hours drive and it has no guarantees.