Upside Down anenome?


I purchased a clarki clown and an anenome-I can't remember the anenome type, I think tube or something like that. The Clarki took to the anenome at the store so I got them both. I have had them for 9 days.
three days after I got them the anenome was upside down and the water was fowl smelling. This was 4-5 days ago. I then turned him right side up and added some activated carbon and did a 5 gallon water change.
The smell went down some what but I am wondering if the anenome is dead. How do you know when they die? It's still rolling around but I don't know if that is from my power head or if the creature is still alive.
Also the ammo spiked. I had put in two peppermint shrimp before the upsided down episode and I can't find the shrimp. Would dead shrimp make a fowl smell as well?
The anenome looks open and I don't notice it "melting" Can you let me know.
I also have a pc light with 94 watt. Is that enough light?


Active Member
I highly doubt it is a tube anenome, could be any of a variety of anenomes, I don't know what kinds a clarki takes to off hand. In any case, when anenomies die, they do foul up the tank, big time. I doubt your shrimp dying would be enough to cause this problem, by far your most likely bet is your anenome is the issue. Take it out of the water and smell it, does it stink? If so, you should get rid of it, it's history. It is fairly common for them to roll around before they get comfortable, but the smell is a very bad sign.


Well it has been another day and the water is not smelling and my ammo is close to 0. The little thing is somewhat responsive to touch. The Clarki is still laying on it and trying to feed it. Would the Clarki lay on it if it was dead?
There isn't a smell and the thing hasn't started to melt. During the feeding the tentacles got a little fatter. Anyone have any ideas. Thanks for the thread above.


Active Member
probably still getting used to your tank. My condy went inverted today but it was no big deal. You will know if your anenome is dying trust me. It will stay closed up or have its mouth really wide open in my experience. As well as the whole melting thing.


Active Member
I have a pink tipped haitian and a purple condylactus, they are moving constantly. I cant say that i have ever had troubles with the water smelling foul because of them. The usual process for an anenome dying is it will throw up its intestines and then melt away, which then is accompanied by a horrible smell. BTW this can also be very hazardous for your fish, as some anenomes release there poisons into the water. HTH


Active Member
Two dead decaying peppermint shrimp, that croaked in a 29 gallon tank - could surely cause an ammonia spike, depending on how long they remained rotting in the tank before your hermits found them.
If you can't find them ~ I'd guess your blue legs got them.
As I'm sure you know .... rising or high ammonia in the tank is not at all good for fish or inverts. The damsels may make it - they're tough. Anemonies on the other hand are much more sensitive to poor water quality.
If your ammonia spiked - I'm sure the anemone didn't care for those conditions at all ~ and may be stressing out big time.
Do some water changes if the ammonia is still present.
Watch the anemone for signs of dying.
If you get the water quality back in check - it might recover.
If it smells bad, looks like it's lifeless, does not respond to your touch, or begins to fall apart - GET IT OUT - it's dead.
Good luck


It was to go with the other that I put up. I hit new thread instead of reply so I have two that are about the same thing with some more questions on the newest one.