upside down clown


Hey guys I have a question. 1st off I'll explain whats got me puzzled. I have had my Gold Striped Maroon Clown for almost two years, and since I got him, he took to this silk fake plant I had in the tank. Well for the last month, when he is in his "plant" he lays upside down, sideways, facedown and face up....and when he is in these positions, he it totally limp.....fooled me the first few times. He eats, swims, and seem to have a good ol time when he isn't playing dead. My water tests show great results and my temp is normal as is the salinity. Do these critters do this alot, like maybe when he is finally comfortable, or.....I don't know....anyone?
PS, he has no odd spots or nothing looks out of the ordinary.


My clown sleeps upside down and he is a little nuts, really active when the light is on then when the light goes off. He just flips and sleeps upside down until I turn the light on again.


Active Member
Does it swim normally during the day? If it looks like it is having trouble staying upright while carrying on normal activity, it could have a swim/float bladder infection. If not, and it swims fine during the day, it is just finding a comfortable spot to sleep in. Clowns do this.


I have a couple who also do the same, however as I've written before the anenome that they host in is stationed himself high on the glass wall of the tank. So basically my two little ocellaris HAVE to swim sideways and unside down! Been doin it for several months so I guess they are used to it!:happyfish :happyfish


Need some advice quickly. Since my last post, my little buddy has gone downhill fast. All of the sudden he IS having problems staying afloat and he is upside down and on his side. I have in my specimen container hanging in the tank while I get my Q tanks set up. If it is a bladder infection, or anything else. What can I do for him, or is there nothing that can be done?


Active Member
OK - not sure your fish's symptoms are the issue. Ocellaris clown fish when they find a host will rest in any way they can to continuetheir interaction with their host anemone. Your's thinks it host is a plastic plant.
Your fish may be:
A. Not recieving enough diversity in its diet
b. Confused about its gender (looking for mate)
c. Has found out its host anemone is a plastic plant
d. Has a sickness
Try - diversifying its food, add some garlic and vitamins to help strengthen immunity and if it survives another month get it a mate (make sure the new fish is much smaller than your though.