upside down cromie


I have four cromies in my qt - last night I added a clown from the DT who had contracted ich. this morning I found a cromie upsdie down at the bottom of the qt. He's breathing fine, no bite marks, bleeding or beat up fins, no disease - from all signs, except for being unable to right himself - this seems like a healthy fish. what is up? is he a gonner? what could have caused this? should I euthenize him?


If he is upside down then thats probably a very bad sign you are going to lose him. It is possible that though that he may pull through but I doubt it.:nope:


he's gone...
Curious though, this was a fish that was in such good shape I was nearly ready to transfer him into the DT, even in death he looked perfectly healthy - if it weren't for that whole lack of breathing thing.