I got up this morning and Spike was upside down. Is this a normal way for it to move around? Is something wrong with? Should I flip it back over or leave it alone?
Yes I"m very new to all this hahahaha
Well last week the parameters were all fine. I have to go test them again tomorrow. I don't have any picks but he does look healthy, other than being a little bleached from the LFS. I flipped him back over and he seems ok. Is that a normal behavior for te seabae's?
Thank you for your replie
don't move them...it will only stress them out...let them find their place...you really need to have your own test kits so you can test at any given time
what type of lighting do you have?
Thanks meowzer
I am planning on getting my own test kits. very very soon I hope. I only moved him that once, just to turn him back over on his foot. I didn't know if he could do it or not. Still don't lol.
Right now I'm using some HO T-5 lights. I tihnk there corareefs
Thank you