ed d
I have a 55G fowlr tank. Over the past few days, I started noticing several of my snails were upside down. I thought they may have fallen and landed upside down, but it is happening very frequenly now. I have one turbo snail (never seen upside down until recently) and seveal trocus and astrea snails. I have stared flipping the turbo snail aver a couple of time a day. I am concered he will die if I leave him. So far none of the astela snails have gone upside down. I have a kole tang, a zebra moray and seveal damsel in the tank. I am wondering if the kole tang might be flipping the snail over. The tang has been in the tank for about a mont now. He seem to be munching on everything now. The eel has be with the sanil for about a year.
Does anyone have any ideas on why my snails are flipping over?
Does anyone have any ideas on why my snails are flipping over?