urchin attacking!!


Active Member
Is he loosing lots of spines or just the odd one?
He might be getting use to his new home, he surely looks different from the first pic.


Active Member
he has lost just the one... and the first day he was in he motored around till he found a hiding spot, then sat there for a evening, then found the xenia...and after that he hasnt motored at all...


Active Member
Do you have any of those algae wafers used to feed freshwater plecos? If you do drop one beside him and see if he goes to it.
If he has not lost anymore spines I don't know what to suggest.
How old is your tank?


Active Member
yea, i have some veggie wafers things......it is about...lets see...4+months? not exactly sure...but i think around 4 months


Active Member
Is it still in the same spot as the picture?
Try placing one of those wafers close to it and see if it move to it. Mine will move rightaway when I drop food in for it.


Active Member
He is ALIVEEEEEEEEEEE, waaahahahahaaaaa!! :joy: he hasn't gotten the veggie yet,...but he is definitely moving his little spikes HOWEVER, i found a creature by him a snail slug looking thing....now help me figure out what in the world this is...he looks like a slug, he has antennas....no shell like a snail, but it does look like he has some type of "shell" on his back....but dont really know, i got him to climb on my mag float so thats where he is right now. here are some pics of him, i'll take a look at the hitch hiker sheet



looks a bit like a limpet to me...i have hundreds in my tank...well i had hundreds untill i got my Boxershrimp, he seems to love eating them!! Still have alot though...


Active Member
the urchin isnt motoring around...he is alive, but doesnt move...do you think my tank is just so dirty that he likes the bottom and just eats there?


Active Member
The little slug thing you have is a stonoma snail. I don't think I spelled it correctly though... :notsure: But they are just fine for your tank, they come on live rock and will motor along the glass etc. Totally fine.
Glad to hear the urchin is alive. One thing you could do if you want is to "carefully" take two sticks and gently move him to another part of the tank. I have two thin pieces of dowling I use for poking around in my tanks. Don't lift him out of the water though just move him to another area or even set him ontop of the algae waffer and if he is stuck to a rock etc do not pull on him. He also might have found some good stuff there to eat like you said.
Okay....now I am a bit confused, snailheave do you know me or getting me mixed up with someone else?


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[pre]I have two thin pieces of dowling I use for poking around in my tanks.[/pre]
Chopsticks work as well :cheer:


Active Member
Okay now I know what you mean. My stingray in my tank is what you are talking about hey...
You know that thing sure is neat, not only adds as a second filter but I have noticed such a huge improvment in the tank with the water movement too.
Yes chopsticks will work well too, I just use the dowling as I don't like sticking my fingers into the water and the sticks are nice and long for that.


Active Member
he has moved alittle over the weekend, so he is alive still..maybe healing?? wwho knows, but he did move :joy:


Active Member
That is great, I now have 2 upset characters in my tank. My star and my urchin. I just upgraded from a 10 gal to a 25 gal. The fish are swimming like mad I thought by now they would have swam themselves to death. The star and urchin are not moveing to much but they are just fine. All will settle in within the next day or so. Everything was moved from the previous tank with added aged water to make up the 25 gal so I hope to god I do not get anytype of cycle happening in there.
By the way Snailheave, I even move my stingray too....
Now he has more room to move......

Incase you are all wondering, I do not have a real stingray, what I have is a filter/powerhead that is called a stingray and is in the shape of one too.
Take Care.....Deb


Active Member
maybe you should let it lie on the sand bed
i have an urchin overpopulation problem it seems. every week or two i find a new urchin


Active Member
Lucky you, what kind of urchins are they?
I am so happy with the move to my 25 gal, everything is going just fine (knock on wood.
) Fish are more happy and the star and urchin are out and about this morning, this makes me happy.....
I was worried about them and the move but all seems to be going well.
Now I will have to add more live rock as I can and find a different light tube to take away that yellow hue. All indue time.
Stingray stays stuck to the glass, sorry he does not like sand......



Active Member
thats awesome debbie...i'm going to be bumpin it up to a 20long sthis week so i have more room for my corals and what not. how did you go about upgrading? i'm sure this is gonna be a pain for me.lol.