urchin question


well i got a black urchin but then that same day it died my water is good
then i went back to my lfs and they gave me another one and the same thing happens they told me that it may be my water temp. can that be and is this for all shrimp and another crabs to because i can never keep crabs to everything in my tank is good have shrums and polps they are all good but i cant seem to keep any Invertebrates


well i put the bag in the tank for 20min then i start mixing the water in the bag with the tank for about 10 - 12 mins then i let it go


I would suspect this as the problem. These kind of critters are sensitive to water parameter changes, you want to drip acclimate them. Take a look at the acclimation button on the left toolbar of this website to give you an idea.


Active Member
What are your parameters and tank age? This is due to acclimation most likely, and quite possibly due to specific gravity problems. It is REALLY important to provide your parameters. These are very sensitive inverts and water quality and tank age are very important.


Active Member
I would suspect quality over temperature, and acclimation above all else, I have bomb aclimated several urchins (dont do this ever its reckless or a newby mistake at best) before I knew what I was doing, from one system to another the ones, with very similar parameters but very different temps lived, the ones with totally different params died even though the temp was almost the same. I wont say how many times I was dumb enough to do that but it was enough to make me pretty sure a 5deg temp change is less likley to kill them that a .3 change in SG


well i have had my tank for a year but i been up and down with my tank but know i have been taking care of it everything has been good for three months know
no3 is 0 pH 8.2 & no amonia
i dont know my gravity whats a good way to check it


Active Member
You should be checking with a refractometer for inverts, hydometers can sometimes be very off, mine was 5 points off so I don't trust them and inverts can only live in 1.024-1.026 comfortably, if you don't know how to check it how are you mixing water for changes? I would bring your water to a fish store and have them test it with a refract. Also inverts need to be slowly drip acclimated as their bodies can't deal with change in parameters quickly.