Urchin with a puffer


New Member
Has anyone had any problems in keeping and urchin in with a puffer. I would like something basic like a pencil urchin but dont want to buy just for it to become puffer food.


i think my puffer's favorite food is urchin. I had (my girlfriend bought) a pincushin urchin and my puffer devoured it in about 3 or 4 minutes.
id say its a bad choice. but thats just my experience


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hayes112
just for it to become puffer food.
then my simple yet effective answer, dont get it


Active Member
definetly not .. the hard beaks of the puffer can destroy an urchin .. and they will if given the chance .. from what my old porcupine puffer told me they're quite the delicacy


New Member
I was only thinking about it becuase I had read a few sucess stories of puffers in with urchins and was thinking about trying it becuase I thought it would be a good cleaner , but it does seem that those sucess stories are in the minority. I apprciate the replys


Active Member
I have two in my 90 gallon, a verigated and a long-spine. And. Wouldn't even think of adding a puffer to the tank. But that's partly because I'm about to add an antenata lion and the puffer would eat its fins


Active Member
IMO, there is a definite risk that it will be eaten, or at least that the puffer will take significant interest in it.


I had a friend who really wanted an urchin for his tank. After careful acclimation, he put it in the tank and within minutes the porc puffer he also had in the tank was thanking him for the tasty snack and wanting more. I would suggest that this is not a good idea. :happyfish