Urchins - Are they bad ?

I was thinking about getting an Urchin, is that a good/bad idea? I did a search but did not find too many posts on them. I remember hearing that they eat coral, is that true? Any info would be appreciated! Thanks!


Active Member
not all urchins r bad. i hv two tuxedo urchins in my reef tanks, and they r very good at removing algae off rocks.


I have a purple urchin in my 225G, and it is an excellent algae eater, and has never eaten any corals
NOW I HAD a pencil urchin in there....IT ATE CORALS!!!!
Well SWF only has 4 species avaiable (listed), not currently in stock though:
Bali Pincushion Urchin
Black and Red Sea Urchin
Pincushion Urchin
Rainbow Pincushion Urchin
Of those 4 which would be the 'best'. Looking to keep it mainly for Algae.


Active Member
Start a new thread in "Ask Saltwaterfish.com." Ask them why for the category picture of urchins, they have a Blue Tuxedo, when none of the actual urchins they have listed are Blue Tuxedos. Far and away IME, Blue Tux's have been the best.


I have 2 pencil urchins, they are both bulldozers!
I have to knock them off of the rocks all the time when they are headed towards my small corals, I don't want to chance them getting eaten. They have knocked rocks over, pushed the heaters off of the suction cups.
Plus they eat coraline, they scour the rocks clean when they find it. I keep thinking of getting rid of one of both, but they are still cool to watch.
I have even fed them, take a strip of nori and slip it under the spines when they are on the front glass, the urchin will pull in the nori and eat it! They are both larger then a golf ball!


Active Member
IMO they are pretty good additions to a fuge, but they knock too much stuff over in the main tank for me. I have a black longspine that I used to keep in my 55, but I didn't have a fuge. He'd knock anything over that was in his way. When I upgraded and built a fuge, he went down there, and he's been there ever since.


Active Member
stick with the pincushions if you get one. they tend to be much less destructive though they will pick up loose stuff too.