

I'm getting ready to order my reef package from this site. I was also thinking about getting a couple of urchins, because they're cool and interesting to see. Is this a good choice? Are there some that are better than others? I'm leaning toward the purple spiny urchins just because they look neat. Should I wait til my reef package crew gets set up first?


Active Member
Yep, urchins are a very good choice for any tank. I have a tiny pencil urchin in my tank and absolutely love him!!


New Member
Urchins are very cool and are good algae eaters. You have to watch them on your purple coraline algae they will eat this as well.


No problem there. I don't have any corals, and don't plan on getting any. Going for the FOWLR setup.


Active Member
i have a purple urchin and love him aswell but i have a large hermit that pulled a rock over that the urchin was on and broke all the spines on the top of him allmost all the way down he has little nubs. its very sad but i think they will grow back


Things moving in the aquarium! I've only had fish in there, no inverts. I'm excited to get some constant action. My kids will love it!
of course all they care about is if I have a "nemo" ;-)


Hah! its alright for you.
My wife keeps asking me if she can get a "Dorry".
LOL. I only have 40 Gallons to play with!!.