

New Member
I am wanting to get a tuxideo urchin but i have herd that they are not reef safe and then they are. Help me with this please


I agree with golfish. I have 2 black long spined urchins that hitched on the lr. I've heard that they knock over corals, damage corals with spines and eat coraline but so far they haven't done any damage. The only reason I was debating on giving one away was because they're getting so large. They are a great and interesting part of my reef. That is until they start causing trouble.


Longspines are great...very active and hardy. To minimize their corraline eating, feed them daily directly. Ours love freeze dried krill, and silversides. Just drop it between the spines, and watch them work it into their mouths. Great creatures!


i have long spine and recently moved it to my FOWLR tank because it completley cleared all coraline algae off a 10 lb piece of rock in a few days...


they are a disaster waiting to happen. best in a fish only tank in my opinion. too risky to come home and have all my corals ate up by a sometimes pesky urchin. they are cool to look at, but not cool enough to eat my good stuff! =)
I have had my two for almost three years...read smokin urchin post. I havent had any problems with them at all, however, mine are pin cushion and not long spined. I wasnt getting any coraline growth and was ready to get rid of them. I was told that they actually will help with corraline growth due to their messy eating habits. because they are so messy they help to spread the corraline around the reef. In the lasy month, I have had a huge growth in corraline algae and they dont seem to bother it at all. I think if you polled everyone(which I did on another BB awhile back) that there would be a huge split. I personally dont plan on getting rid of mine.


the lfs guy told me that they will leave the coralline alone if you feed them directly, but i still don't trust them. i got one right now if someone around baton rouge wants it.