Urgent! about six line Wrasse


I got six line wrasse from LFS yesterday, That LFS got six line wrasse in Thursday. I got it on friday evening. This Morning the Six Line was look fine swimming around the rocks. Now this time at 930 pm I saw that six line wrasse was lying in the rock and behave really weird. I dont know what is cause the six line was lying on the rock. not moving at all.
The tank mate is two paired Ocellaris clownfish, they are doing great I got them last week. The paired are alert and swimming around. Inverts are skunk shrimp, emerald crab, 10 hermits crab and 10 snails (astra and cerith)
I did water exchane last wedneday with new batch of salt and water from RO/DI after I got Sixline.
water parameter is
PH 8.0
ALK 3.14 meg/L
Ammonia 0, problem with color look Good but bright yellow from (API kit)
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Phos 0
Calicum is 500 I test with salifret, when I drop 4 of Ca-2 and sudden Blue color, its obiviously 500 ppm, yesterday I test with API and its say 450, I guess I pick wrong test kit. shoot...
so that is high calicum is cause six line shock or probably cause sixline to dying from calicum..
I suspected that RO/Di filter needed to replace. I got RO/DI for 5 month old. So I have go to wal mart to buy 10 boxes of water dillute to replace with the water.
can you give me answer about this parameter?
many thanks


did u notice this during the evening or night time????? sixline wrasses sleep at night. mine sleeps in a hollow piece of live rock. he sleeps there on his side every night and ive had him for about a month. sometimes he builds himself a cocoon sleeping bag out of mucose and other times he doesnt. he's prolly just sleeping...good luck.


I wouldn't worry about it at night. My six-line has his own rock that he has made into a "bed" of sorts. It is actually pretty amusing.


I got the sixline, we called the sixline "Joker" we named the fish after William Shakespear, the colorful and two line strip on the eyes.
We called our paired Ocellaris Romeo and Juliet.
anyway, I got Joker yesterday at 8 pm and finally put joker in the DT about midnight. This morning I look joker swimming around the rock. until tonight saw Joker lying on the rock. I checked Joker about 5 minute ago. Joker is upside right now.
My six line sleeps in a rock too. I turned the light on today and fed them and every single fish came out to eat except the wrasse. Aparently he likes to sleep in cause I didn't even see him until about an hour had passed.
sorry about your loss


Joker is missing in action. I guess joker is moving somewhere. so I will stay all night to study Calculus and keep it eye on joker and wait til tomorrow if acutally passed away then call my LFS to have credit because I got it yesterday. maybe it related to shipping stress? that Joker was arrived to LFS last thursday and I bought it yesterday. Possiblity cause by distress or stress due to shipping.
I bought skunk Cleaner shrimp and Emerald Crab yesterday too. they come in great condition and pair ocellaris, they doing great.... expect joker. I come see lfs many time. I always like sixline because of colorful and finally bought it and now


Never buy a fish freshly received by the LFS. Ask them to hold it for a week or so and see if it's active, eating, and in general good health... or if special ordered, ask them to not put it into their tank and acclimate it yourself at home.


That what I thought about this is too early to get sixline. I will call LFS tomorrow to see. I will try with this SWF.com for my next list to order.
LFS tends to order big livestock then have special day to selling for 20 percents discount for that all livestocks. they come in like wednesday or thursday then selling on friday. I learned my lessons. never happen again. 20 percents is meaning nothing.
my wife and I will try order item from SWF.com


I have no problems with the quaratine stuff.But my Coral Beauty is having mood streaks latley,It will attack any of the fish in my tank Six-Line,Tank Bred Ocellaris Pair*And I was wondering if a Seahorse would do well with very friendly tankmates,I got 20 days until the 125-is set up and running and I am DYING to get Butterflyfish.Sometimes I get tempted to buy one.Could it work for alittle while?


Originally Posted by Seattle
I have no problems with the quaratine stuff.But my Coral Beauty is having mood streaks latley,It will attack any of the fish in my tank Six-Line,Tank Bred Ocellaris Pair*And I was wondering if a Seahorse would do well with very friendly tankmates,I got 20 days until the 125-is set up and running and I am DYING to get Butterflyfish.Sometimes I get tempted to buy one.Could it work for alittle while?

Not in your 12 gallon. Wait until the 125 matures for a couple months. Seahorse don't do well in a mixed species community such as the one you have. Also the Coral beauty is lashing out from lack of territory.


I am getting rid of the Coral Beauty,and I think my Six-Line is a fishy midgit,It eats like a pig but doesn't grow
I think I will get ridda him too but my parents are 2 psyched with the bristleworm possibility :mad: .Would a 1.3inch Threadfin Butterfly last long enough for the 125-to mature,I can't handle the pressure
Anything small and Butterflyfishish that could last long enough for the tank to mature if possible?
EDIT:I don't have the Coral Beauty problem anymore he has his big,special cave it loves,I just think my Coral Beauty is UGLY!


It will take at least 6 months for the larger tank to mature. Your tank is already overstocked and Butterflies demand pristine water conditions, a 12 gallon just won't cut it for most of the fish you will eventually put into a 125. Just keep your clowns healthy until the 125 is up and running.
I bought mine about six hours ago acclimated him. It was the bag cup of water thing not drip.I cant see him ANYWHERE i dont even have many hiding places in my tank!


Active Member
Also rmahnick, I don't know if you've heard this before, but people generally suggest that you wait at least 2 weeks between adding fish to let the tank catch up with the newly added bio load as well as to let the fish get comfortable. Just passing that on...


Joker is dead, eaten by brittleworm, I was sad to see Joker pass away. I emailed to LFS today. LFS is closed due to Easter. so wait and see. I think I will order it from SWF.com instead of LFS. so right now. no addition fish until few week until see any no parts of fish around the tank and check for ammonia that might spike from dead fish.


how did you acclimate the fish?
I got my sixline 4 hrs after lfs added him in their tank from a shipment that day.
I drip acclimated the fish and the fish has been doing very well.
If you feel like you've done everything right, then that fish must have been a bad one.
Try another one later. Sixline is hardy type.


I use drip aclimate method, LFS give me the directions for aclimated for sixline and for skunk cleaner shrimp and also emerald crab,
They aclimated for 2 hours but I give them for 2.5 hours 30 minutes more than what LFS's tell me for boths, Emarld crab drop in no need for aclimate, skunk and sixline. Skunk cleaner is doing good.
I read the SWF about sixline wrasse say that 4 or plus hours aclimate. so LFS are wrong about aclimate?


I hardly acclimated anything over 40min.
and I never had any loss.
It had something to do with that particular fish.