Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.


hey the parameters were ...ph 8.4.......ammonia 0...nitrite 0....nitrate 10..i just checked about an hour ago tonight so i know they are accurate..im using a aquarium pharmaceuticals saltwater master liquid test kit


Active Member
I dont know. All I can see is stress or they were weak when you bought them. Mabey ick or fin rot? What did the dead fish look like anything on them did there fins have holes in them what about the gills? "if you looked at the gills" Since all your fish died I would think it was stress or an outbrake of something.


i looked at them and there is no signs of any disease..it def had to be an outbreak of some sort but what would cause such an outbreak out of nowhere and kill everything within a couple hours..


acclimation, and patience is the key to a successful marine tank.
thats my .02
you said they were in there only a couple hours, my guess would be you didnt acclimate them long enough. and the different water parameters shocked and killed them


Active Member
If you put an anemone in there that died it would have released gastric juices into the water wouldn't it? This happened at a LFS and the death of the anemone caused the death of everything in the tank. After testing the water, all levels were perfectly fine, so perhaps this was the problem?


acclimation didnt do it i dont believe ..only one fish was acclimated that day..everything else was in the tank for weeks..i acclimated a cleaner shrimp the same day and hes the only thing livine..yeah farslayer i think i agree though...that must have been what had happened..thanks


I noticed that your initial post on 1/2 indicated a ph of 7.8, yet one of your later posts on 1/3 indicated a ph of 8.4.
That seems like a huge change for such a short time period. Could his change in ph in such a short time have caused the deaths? Did you intentionally raise the ph to 8.4?


actually the ph was low when the fish were put it then after they all died i thought they may have been an issue so u used the ph raiser and it looks like it already raised it within a day


New Member
What ph raiser did you use? My friend told me some ph raisers can be bad for saltwater tanks for some reason.


Active Member
Where in the house is your tank located you arent getting any chemicals in it are you? (I.E. hairspray, perfume, ect)


its in my bedroom..no i dont believe im getting any type of chemicals in the tank..i use cologne but its a good distance from the tank..i also occasionaly burn incense but i dont think that gets to close either..


Active Member
Well I would watch out for that. I was talking with my LFS and a ladie had a tank in her bathroom "not the best place in the world" and she couldnt figure out why her fish was dying she had them come them out and test her water and everything was fine but it was the chemicals killing the fish so be careful with that stuff.