**Urgent** - Heater failure

I had an RMA issued on my heater that I suspected of being faulty yesterday (guess I was right), wife came home this afternoon, alarm was sounding, water temp was & is at 72.3 currently. How bad is that temp for the fish (only fish in tank currently) I have a 100w heater loose in the tank (110g) currently to try to hold it from dropping further. I also have an in-line 300w in the basement that I just brought up and will in-line into the canister if I have to. Again, how bad in the 72 and how long can they be maintained at that temp?? New replacement heater (JBJ True Temp 500w) was ordered 3 day and will be here Monday.
**Yes I know, should have 2 heaters, don't like the clutter**


Well-Known Member
In rooms air conditioned for humans I use no heaters.
My tanks on the back porch do have heaters. The tank there have gotten down to 65F with no fish or coral losses. But that was fairly simple corals also.
my .02


You should be okay unless you have fragile fish/corals/inverts. 72 isn't terrible, although I wouldn't let it get any lower than that.
If you have a large sump, even floating two liter bottles with warm water in them can help maintain the temp a little.


New Member
your main concern shouldnt necessarily be that the temp is 72-73 if you are able to maintain this until the new heater comes...the fish and coral can survive in this temp.. its how much it dropped in how short of a period... if it went from 75 to this new temp not that bad if it went from 80 to this temp that is bad and unfortuantely the damage is done...if it happens to affectsny fish or corals you will see the loss probably within 15-20 days...this can shock your fish badly. however if you have damsels or chromis they should survive..those things are champs.... i once had a 4 degree temp drop undera 24hr period and lost a bubble tip anenome and a clown within a couple days of that happening...
Originally Posted by tstewart
your main concern shouldnt necessarily be that the temp is 72-73 if you are able to maintain this until the new heater comes...the fish and coral can survive in this temp.. its how much it dropped in how short of a period... if it went from 75 to this new temp not that bad if it went from 80 to this temp that is bad and unfortuantely the damage is done...if it happens to affectsny fish or corals you will see the loss probably within 15-20 days...this can shock your fish badly. however if you have damsels or chromis they should survive..those things are champs.... i once had a 4 degree temp drop undera 24hr period and lost a bubble tip anenome and a clown within a couple days of that happening...
Currently a low stock level, Y. Tang, Chromis, Damsels, Perc's, Pep. Shrimp, etc. Temp was 78 when I left this morning (8am) and 72 @ 3pm.
That little 100w heater has actually increased the tank temp now to 73.5 and climbing...slowly! Ha, go little heater go! The MH kicked on a bit ago so that should help boost it a bit too. Thanks for the piece of mind on the temp!


New Member
no prob! you should be good to go with what you have stocked in your tank...esp if your percs are tank raised they can withstand alot more than ocean caught.. when you get the new heater just slowly increase the temp to your desired level...a degree a day is pretty good...so hopefully all that snow you might be getting wont affect anything! i am in dallas tx and it has been snowing all day first thing i did is run to my tank this morning to make sure no temp flucuations bc it is on the outside wall of my house i am happy to say all is good and i cracked the blinds so my fish can see snow for the first time!!