URGENT HELP NEEDED!! - Foxface in trouble


So I come back from a week long vacation to find my tank at 83*F and at a salinity of 1.030

Everything is fine except for my 5-6 year old foxface who is just hanging around at the top of my tank. He refuses to eat and about half a centimeter of his tail has turned "white" and has tiny rips in it, like it has been nibbled on. This appears in a few other other parts of his body...even his mouth... The refractometer broke, but I'm pretty sure the salinity is back where it's supposed to be. I'm working on the temperatrure as we speak.
Is he a goner?


I think I know what happened...I think he went blind...
. He seems to be unintentionally bumping into the side of the tank.


It sounds like water quality issues have lowered his immune system, causing an infection. Have you done a water change since you got home? Test your readings and post them. Is he still eating?


Originally Posted by sepulatian
It sounds like water quality issues have lowered his immune system, causing an infection. Have you done a water change since you got home? Test your readings and post them. Is he still eating?
Yes, I just got done doing a water change, and no, he isn't eating.The Parameters are...
Salinity: 1.027
Temp : 80F
Nitrates: .42ppm
Alk: 2.7meq


What about ammonia and nitrite? How do the other fish look? Do you have a cycled quarantine tank? If so then you can treat him with Maracyn 2 for SW fish. That will kill off the infection.


Staff member
Are your nitrates usually that high? Tangs have little tolerance for a tang environment that can not export nitrates. How do you have your tank set up?
Continue to bring the salinity down slowly to 1.025. What are you using to measure salinity??