URGENT Help needed to save Trigger!


New Member
:help: I have a 29 gallon tank (i know, way too small, but that is another long story)with a hang on the back mud filter with a built in skimmer. Trigger lives there with a little blue neon damsel. totally without thinking today I was messing around installing electrical stuff so I turned off the circuit breaker. i did this several times through out the day. later, my husband came home and thought the tank was leaking. there was water everywhere. upon further investigation i realized what had happened. when i turned off the electricity, the 5 gallons (i think .. maybe 10?) of water that was in the mud filter had dumped in my tank and over flowed it. there were mangroves and a bunch of other crap in the tank too. Trigger of course was VERY unhappy and would not come out. THEN it turns out that my prepared water had accidentally been left on the porch (sealed with the lid) and was EXTREMELY cold, forcing me to have to just whip up a batch of what i thought was room temp water from the sink. That was about 4 hours or so ago. Trigger has since come out, but he looks horrible. he is very light in color and keeps snapping at the water. he is not really eating either (NOT like him). What can I do at this point? I don't want him to die! please help!

Thanks in advance ~


Originally Posted by Neaners
THEN it turns out that my prepared water had accidentally been left on the porch (sealed with the lid) and was EXTREMELY cold, forcing me to have to just whip up a batch of what i thought was room temp water from the sink.
Just FYI, if this ever happens again and you don't have a heater for water changes, just fill your sink with really hot tap water and put the bucket with your new saltwater in it. The saltwater in the bucket should take on the heat of the tap water really quickly. Check the temp often until it hits the temp of the tankwater. Much better than using new saltwater made with tap water, that hasn't been properly aerated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by katiev
Just FYI, if this ever happens again and you don't have a heater for water changes, just fill your sink with really hot tap water and put the bucket with your new saltwater in it. The saltwater in the bucket should take on the heat of the tap water really quickly. Check the temp often until it hits the temp of the tankwater. Much better than using new saltwater made with tap water, that hasn't been properly aerated.

thats a really good idea
i hope the trigger is ok :happyfish


New Member
Good news everyone, Trigger is fine. :cheer: I guess he was just a bit (QUITE a bit!) stressed. As was I!
Thanks for all of your guys support. I love this board.

Thanks for the tip katiev, I will definitely remember that!