Urgent Help-something taking over tank!

Okay-many of you know, because you have patiently been helping us, that our DT is currently empty of fish due to an ich outbreak. For a week and a half the DT has been empty, except for LR, a few corals, and 2 very small hermit crabs. We are QT our remaining fish and using hyposalinity.
Yesterday we noticed one or two small white slug looking things on the sides of the tank, but today they are bigger and EVERYWHERE. The sides of the tank and all over the rocks. It is scary!!! I have no idea what these are, we tried to take a picture to help id. If anyone knows what these are or what to do about them please help!!



I've had em all over the place for quite a while now...I don't think there anything to worry about......least I hope there not


yea you cant really see the head or anythin in those pics so they could be a couple kinds of snails or slugs. but they obviously arent new to the tank and it doesnt seem that they have posed any danger so far so there is a good chance theyre just harmless hitchikers. i would leave them in just for kicks but if you dont like them i suppose you could take them out. kinda neutral i guess.


Active Member
They do LOOK like stomatella. When in doubt, toss it out though. Thing is, stomatella snails do most of their grazing at night.


if your gonna throw them away please please please pretty please send them to me i could always use awsome algae grazers.
Thanks everyone, I did some research on those snails and I think that is what they are. I guess we will leave them for now, the strange thing is that we have only seen them recently, and over the last few days they seem to be multiplying and growing. If my rock starts dissappearing I will let you all know!


definately stomatella snails. Mine are out all the time and i have been able to watch them reproduce multiple times also. They stand up on one end and some blow out eggs and others put clouds into the water to fertilize the eggs its cool to watch. THey will be everywhere but no big deal just free additions to cleaning crew.