Urgent Help with 2 tangs please.


Yah,I would get the rest of your fish out of that tank into a quartine tank.
Has any new fish or Rock,etc been added recently?


Still, fish and inverts......two differant critters. Until you figure it out, I would still pull them for the time being. With them in another container you have only two variables......fish and water. As for now, there is no telling whats in your tank.
You want to know what to do to fix it, there it is, or, play russian roulette with the rest of the fish, its up to you.
Once they are in clean water, we can figure the rest out later.


Staff member
Salt toxicity.
To clarify, did you mix the salt in water or just added raw salt to the tank? Please provide very specific info with this.
There is a possibility that the salt itself has a problem. Have you used salt from that container before?
What are you using to measure salinity? What is your pH?
Have you added new fish to the tank recently?
Post more pictures of the fish that are still living.


Thanks Beth,
I mixed the salt in a bucket of water before pouring it into the sump. I was just trying to raise the salt level a little bit but ended up accidently making it go to 1.029.... So after relizing this, I added a bunch of fresh water again dropping it down to 1.025
I have been using this salt since day 1.. The same huge bucket of it and havent seen any real problems.
My PH is sitting at 8.2
All fish are relatively new. The tank is fairly new. The newest additions were 2 Anemones which seem to me to be doing great. Ill try to get some new pictures.



Staff member
The tang has ich, and, from the looks of the picture, the clown does as well.
Was all the damage on the postmortem fish there while they were alive?
Salt can not be put together with some water and then added to the tank. Raw salt will quickly damage delicate tissues if not totally mixed and adequately aged. Also, rapid fluctuations in salinity can easily result in death. Salt should be mixed with a pump in a dedicated container for at least 2 days before adding the new saltwater to the display. Salt water should not be added to display unless it is thoroughly dissolved, and you have tested it to ensure adequate pH and salinity levels.
You didn't say what you are using to measure salinity?
You will have to quarantine the two fish left to treat the ich, preferably with hyposalinity. There is info in the Disease Forum, FAQ Topic, on ich and how to treat it.


I am using a refractometer to measure the salinity.
I do not have a quarintine tank to put these two fish in, And judging by what you just said, I could not mix new salt in a tank and put them in it is that correct? Do you have any ideas on what I can do?
P.s. If I dropped the salt level in the display tank for hypo salinity would the 2 Anemones and inverts all be alright? Thats my only other idea.


Originally Posted by nolson
I am using a refractometer to measure the salinity.
I do not have a quarintine tank to put these two fish in, And judging by what you just said, I could not mix new salt in a tank and put them in it is that correct? Do you have any ideas on what I can do?
P.s. If I dropped the salt level in the display tank for hypo salinity would the 2 Anemones and inverts all be alright? Thats my only other idea.
No, don't do the hypo in your display if you have inverts. They are very sensitive to flucuations in salinty.


Staff member
Live rock and inverts can not tolerate low salinity. Do you have the ability to put a quarantine tank up? You could use a rectangular type rubbermaid container to substitute as the tank. A 20 gal long would work well too.
If you set up the QT, you will have to wait at min 24 hours of good mixing of water and salt. Instead of using the new water on the QT, you will fill your QT with display water, then use the new water in the display. Add a couple cups of sand from the display to set up the QT. You can also seed your new water with a gal of display water, after it has been mixing for 12 hours. 2 days is preferable, and best, but this is an emergency.
Of course, plan on doing daily water changes on an uncycled QT. A kitchen tall garbage can can work for the water mix process.


New Member
I thought that I had a major problem because I have majano... but you...
Well I am new, but if I were you, I would run to the store and buy saltwater already made. and start a quarentine immediatly. You need to have one at least a 10GL or you can also buy one online in craigslist for very little. I had ich once when I bought a fish that had it and I bought Chem-Marin-stop-parasite by Al Ciannelli (saved the empty container just in case). It worked rally well and it did not kill anything also in the tank.
Just a couple of days ago I added another new fish (who did not have ich), but my stressed blue regal got it again (just one small spot), but it cleaned the next day. I am so sorry for your fishes. I would use this medication instead in the whole tank but please check with people that knows about this, but you need to do something really fast. There is no time. Go to the fish store now.
Please keep us posted. I wish you and the fishes left the best.


Active Member
When you say the fish are relatively new and the tank is relatively new, can you define that? How long has it been set up and how long have you had the fish?