URGENT help with anemone and live rock.


New Member
Hi everyone, this is my first post and sadly, not a cheery one.
I was sold a "caribbean anemone" by my lfs, long tentacles with purple tip, he said it was a bubble tip. i didnt know any better, that was about 2 months ago.
I added a pair of clowns and a pair of yellow tail damsels.
Finally i found a smaller than usual yellow tang and to my surprise, that anemone swallowed it whole. i had no idea somehting like that could happen. i mean, i know that it will eat fish but i had no idea it would eat the biggest fish in the tank. i am very depressed. But, thats in the past.
I decided to do what i should have done a long time ago and researched, stopped going to the store that sold me the anemone and purchased a beautiful bubble tip anemone, really its fantastic.
Here's whats happening though, the anemone is hiding on the corner of the tank next to a huge lr that supports part of my reef, the clowns are hosting it happilly but we can't really see it unless we walk around to that side of the tank.
Also, my water seems to be cloudy since i removed the anemone that ate my yellow tang (2 days ago). i have tested the water and it is perfect, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc...
I have a sand bed and i tend to overfeed a bit, which may be causing it, i don't know.
How can I move the anemone away from that corner without hurting it?
for the water, i am going to do a 20% water change since its due anyway, my skimmer is not working as well as i read from your posts (i bought the cheap one).
Should i buy a sand sifter such as a yellowhead goby until i learn how much to feed?
I just have so many questions but if you guys could at least tell me how and /or if i can remove the anemone without hurting it. i am simply going to place it towards the middle of the tank and close out the corner so that it is more visible.
Also, from reading previous posts, i should add that i do have a powerhead but it can't be placed anywhere so that it is pointing directly at the anemone.
PLEASE HELP, i am sitting here waitintg for a response, hitting the refresh button :)
Thank you
Very much..
P.s - 29 gallon tank, 20 snails, 2 clowns, 2 yellow tail damsels and lots of live rock on a sand bed.
thanks again


Active Member
How long has the tank been set up? What type of lighting do you have? What do you have in the tank for flow? How long has the new bubble tip been in your tank?


New Member
thank you for answering.
The tank is about 3 months old, for lighting i have a coralife lamp that was sold to me used. it is recommend to use 2 96w 50/50's.
for flow? i think you mean powerhead and pump? so, if its not right, please tell me what you mean but, i have a pump that came attached to the tank, coralife something, again, bought it used so not sure the specs. and a powerhead that pumps 150gph im almost positive. i could look at my box if this makes a huge difference. but the current is really strong, plenty of exercise for the lil clowns :) and lastly, the bubble tip has been in the tank since sunday.
I should probably add that when i put in this anemone, the other anemone (that..........murderer) was taking the middle spot of my tank, so i believe naturally, the bubble tip moved away from it.
Thank you again,


New Member
sorry forgot to add that once the light goes out at night, i have a moonlight, very small, that was sold to me by a good friend, just for the contrast really.
thank you


Active Member
Ok well first, I am going to call you out on your statement about reading and researching. Your tank is not mature enough for an anemone. Most publications online or in books will warn against one until 8 months to a year of having your tank set up. Also your lighting, a very grey area for a lot of hobbiest when talking and reading about lighting and anemones, but even more so with bubble tip anemones as they can survive under a few different types of lighting. However this is not unconditional and if other conditions are not met, then not having the appropriate type of lighting can be deadly to even a bubble tip.
For now I would say your anemone is getting used to its surroundings. This can take a week or 2 of moving around your tank. It can hide in your LR for a couple of days that is normal, but anything more IMO is a cause for concern.
Is the original anemone still in your tank, the carribean one? Which by the way is prob a Condy atlantic species of anemone, and yes they are more preditory to fish than other species of anemone. If it is still in there I strongly advise you getting it out. Chemical and physical warfare can ensue between these 2 animals and my money would go on the condy to win should this happen. Your tank is also too small for 2 anemones. BTA's and condys are among the hardiest of anemones however they still have very specific requirements. Read through this hopefully it might help you...
Post 21 and 34... good luck


New Member
thank you for responding, i will be reading those posts and hopefully shed some light on my lighting issue if it is improper :)
what i did my research on was types of fish/invertebrates/etc. still very new to the concept of reef/coral/sump and all the goodies that come with it.
I just hope i don't hurt this beautiful bubble tip.
Again, on to reading the link you sent me and thank you very much. any other inputs or advice are greatly appreciated.


The "Caribbean Bubbletip Anemone" is a Condylactis anemone. Use that name when researching, and it should bring up a ton of information.
Not a bubbletip at all.