Urgent Leak!!!


So i just discovered that my protien skimmer was leaking some where because it leak all over my power cords and i could smell that plastic burning smell
, luckly nothing expensive was destroyed. I think the leak is coming from the seal of the protien skimmer and it doesnt leak if the pump isnt on. What kind of sealent should i use to stop it frome leaking? I was thinking some kind of silicon.


Active Member
What brand of skimmer is it and where would you think the leak may be from -location? Also, could this have been and overflow issue and not a leak?


no not an overflow issue found little beads of water at one place and every where else was dry
would like a homedepot kind of silicon work


Active Member
Is it a joint or a crack leaking? You can't apply silicone to fix a leak, if your not sure where it is... One example a seaclone can leak at the bottom connection tube to body and all you need is to replace the o-ring in the connector. Any 100% silicone without mildew resistant (no Tub and tile) would work.